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Jisoo P.O.V

"Taehyung." said namjoon to which I chocked my coffee. I DID NOT expect him to say that. What made him think that ? I stood up from the chair and saw a waitress coming my way. She was there with some tissues so I assumed her to clean my table so I gave her a 100 dollar tip.

"No ma'am, I can't accept this." she said. Namjoon sitting there with his hands crossed over his chest.
"Take it, I insist!" I said as I put the 100 dollars in her hand.
"No ma'am it is against our rules!" she said and handed it back to me. After a lot of insistence she convinced me to keep the money with me. Honestly, if I were a guy, I would fall for her. All she has inside her is honesty. People like this exist in today's world where people just want money....

"So umm you might be wondering why I said that Taehyung likes you right?" Namjoon said as he took a seat beside me.
"Feels like you read my mind right now!" I said still not looking at that donkey
"So basically, you know I have a really good eyesight...." He said and I hummed in response and finally looked at him.

"So when Taehyung was not talking with us, he was looking at you with the corner of eye and when you were walking in front of us, I asked Taehyung if he likes you. He did reply a no but when I told better for me as in it will be easier for you to be mine, I could see him jealous and I swear on myself he was boiling with anger!" Namjoon said all this in one breath and I patted his back and confirmed he was okay so he could easily breathe.

"But he still said no!" I said as I stopped patting his back.
"Jealousy is the key my darling. I can make you feel sure about it. We can make Taehyung jealous." he said
"You're to innocent my babe..." I said looking disappointed

"I'm not! Do you have groceries at home?" Namjoon asked me. I made a 'WTH' face
"Just tell me!" he said sighing
"Nope!" I said
"Perfect." he said

"Taehyung will surely buy groceries!" he said to which I nodded.
"Well then you idiot don't you get it? We will go to the mall near your house and tae will be there to buy groceries and we walk together and he gets jealous. He thought we are here only for coffee right?" He asked and explained

"Yes." I said
"So we go to the mall and to that grocery shop where tae goes ok?" He asked trying to make me get the concept.

"148 IQ for a reason I guess but still, let me ask him if he could buy groceries..." I said and tried searching for the contact named babysitter but I could not find it. I wrote down his number and found a contact named 'Crush 💕💋'. I checked the chat with the person and it was Taehyung but I don't remember keeping his name something like that.

Jisoo - What the heck?? Why did you change you contact name?!?

Crush 💕💋- Oh you know 😏. I mean it is the truth.

Jisoo - Shut up! Are you buying groceries?

Crush 💕💋- Yes I planned to go out and quickly buy them. Nayeon is sleeping and while sleeping she looks like an Angel just like you.

Jisoo - Ok please buy the groceries and thanks for calling me Angel. No more chat, bye.

Crush 💕💋- Bye Jichu

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*Word Count - 610*
Lots of Love ❤️

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