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Taehyung P.O.V

I woke up to hear the sound of someone singing 'yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah' in a musical way. I went into my room and saw my bed not made that means she did not sleep with me last night. Does she actually love me? Sometimes I wonder. Aah Taehyung don't get such thoughts. She loves you just that she never told you.

"Hey!" I said and entered Nayeon's room.
"Yo!" Nayeon said and jumped on her bed.
"Ok time for school." Jisoo said and picked her up from the bed and took her to the washroom.

"Will you brush?" She asked Nayeon
"Oh c'mon I know how to brush." She said.
"Fine then." Jisoo said and closed the bathroom door.
"You didn't sleep with me last night did you?" I asked getting straight to the point.

"How do you know?" she asked
"How dumb are you. It was just a guess and now I know because you said 'how do you know' and not 'no I slept with you itself why do you think so' you know?" I said clearly disappointed.

"Well, sorry." she said
"I just am." she said
"Some part of me said to just go and sleep in your room." She said sadly looking down. Should I forgive her? Should you taehyung?

"I'll think about it!" I said angrily. Now I am thinking, should I behave cold towards her?? Or should I be nice?? Let's just behave cold. Ha she'll regret not sleeping with me. Wait am I to mean? I just walked out. She shouldn't have been like that.

**40 mins later**

I dropped Nayeon to school and she was looking very pretty since she wore a red a-line dress. She really got Jisoo's features. Wait no, she is even prettier. I should marry her hihi.
"Hey tae!" Jisoo said as she sat next to me. I just stood up and left.

"What's wrong?" She asked me while I was leaving.
"You." I said and turned for a short span of time and just left.
"Yah!" She shouted and ran towards me.

"Why like this?" She asked me putting her hand on my shoulder
"Because this is me!" I said and shook her hand off. I received a message from kookie.

My love 🥰 - Yah! Make me meet you GF today!!! You really are getting out of control 😡😡. No hi's in 6 days!!

Yes, I changed his name to my love. Nice right??

Taehyung - How did you know she is my GF?

"Who is this 'my love'?" jisoo asked while taking a bite of her apple. What a view. Yah! Taehyung stop this nonsense, you are angry with her for god sake!
"Someone I love more than you." I said

"Ooh wow. I am sleepy, I am going to sleep. Bye taehyung and say hi to 'my love' from my side." She said
"I expected you to be jealous. Do you even love me?" I asked, now angry.
"I love you Taehyung. That is why I want you to be happy plus I know that 'my love' is a guy" she said.

"How do you know?" I asked her confused
"I am a mafia for a reason mister taehyung. And you stopped ignoring me just as you wanted to." she said and left. Ah, this girl.

My love 🥰 - So? Are you making me meet her??

Taehyung - Fine. Right now it is 12:00, come by ummm 1 ?

M love 🥰 - Okies!! And remember I am your boyfriend and can tell you is nice and who is not ok?? And and and don't tell her about me coming. I will see her natural reaction.

Taehyung - Ok boyfriend!

My love 🥰 - Ok honey.

Taehyung- Bah-byeeeeeeeee!

My love 🥰 - Byee.

"Yah! Stop smiling on your phone like that. It's creepy!" Jisoo said disgusted.
"Yeah?"I asked her and ran towards her and gave her a tight back hug.
"I love you." she said.

"I love you too." I said and hugged her tighter.
"Yah! Leave me!" she said with a weak voice as her voice was breaking because of no breath.
"Oops!" I said and left her.

"Don't ever hug me like that again!" she said taking in all the air she could and put her hand on her chest.
"Okies!" I said cutely and a smile formed on her face. A wide one.

**1 hour later- when jungkook came**

"Tingningning." rang the doorbell. I knew who it was, my boyfriend. He actually came. I was about to get up when jisoo got up and said "I'll open" and left to open the door. We were in the hall itself so I could see her reaction towards kookie.

"Cookies!" He said as soon as jisoo opened the door. He was pretending to sell cookies to jisoo to see her reaction to an ordinary human being. I understand him very well. His old tricks.

"I'm sorry dear we would not want anything!" Jisoo said sweetly and was about to close the door when jungkook held it.
"You are quite nice." he said and barged in.
"Excuse me?!?" Jisoo asked with wide eyes.

"Excused." Jungkook said and he hadn't seen me yet since his back was facing me.
"Yah!" Jisoo shouted.
"What?" Jungkook asked and jisoo removed her gun.
"It's loaded!" Jisoo said

"Am I in the wrong house?" Jungkook asked
"Jisoo put the gun down." I said and went towards her.
"He's a thief!" Jisoo said

"Taehyung??" Jungkook asked shocked.
"Hi, she's Jisoo." I said smiling and had Jisoo's waist in my arms.
"And this is Jungkook." I said looking at Jisoo and she looked at me and Jungkook.

"Tell your friend not to barge in this house like that!" Jisoo said
"Tell your wife not to carry a gun!" Jungkook said
"Mafias carry a gun! And I am not his wife." Jisoo said

"What nice do you see in her taehyung? She is beautiful but her personality is the opposite which is ugly." jungkook said rolling his eyes.
"Control that mouth of yours mister, who are you to tell me that huh?" Jisoo said
"I'm taehyung's friend!" Jungkook said
"Ok ok stop." I said and came between the two.

"No bad impressions!" I said and made them both sit on the couch. Oh god now I am like the mother of two kids who are fighting.

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Hi guys! This chapter and the next two chapters are going to be long. The next chapter is going to have 1500 words and the last chapter ends only when the story does. That means 47,48,49,50 and the epilogue. That is it!!! Have fun and thank you for hanging in here even though this story is not that interesting. Love you 😍.

**Word Count- 1126**

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