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Jisoo P.O.V

Nayeon said "Ok now make a face!"
"Ok." he said as he stuck his tongue out. He looked so cute (Picture Above ^^).She burst out laughing.
"Ahem-ahem." I said as I was leaning on the door frame with my hands on my chest crossed. Taehyung quickly removed the cap and gave it to Nayeon.

"Jisoo-ssi you are back?" Taehyung asked nervously
"What was happening here?" I asked with my eyebrow raised.
"Umm nothing." Taehyung said quickly.

"I see. Thank you Taehyung for treating my baby with so much care." I said to which tae just smiled and I picked up Nayeon and gave her a piggy bank ride.
"Ok now I have something to ask you!" I said making her sit down on the table

"What is it?"
"Jisoo or Taehyung?" I asked as she looked at Taehyung and he was there just standing shocked at what I asked
"Taehyung!" Nayeon said proudly and Taehyung faked happiness tears and gave her a tight hug.
"Ohk!" I said as I removed this some kind on special edition bag of Elsa and Anna.

"The new Frozen l.i.m.i.t.e.d edition bag" Nayeon said squealing highlighting the word limited.
"Bag or Taehyung?" I asked
"You know what..." she said and took a deep breath

"Taehyung, Taehyung it is!" she said and Taehyung standing there like a proud father. He winked at me. No no no no don't get this wrong he winked at me.

He actually just did that. Wait, what is so special with a wink. I mean honestly I have met thousands of people who wink at me but his wink feels different.

"Ok" I said as I removed the skirt and top Nayeon really wanted. But she never told me about it. Well, I read her mind. Not really, the glitter she has in her eyes when she looks at this dress,tells it all.

"Dress or Taehyung?" I asked Nayeon. After a long thought, no, the longest 15 seconds of my life, I earned the answer
"TAEHYUNG!!!" Nayeon said and Taehyung ran towards her and gave her a hug.

"Leave me I'm gonna suffocate!" my baby said out of breath.
"Here, you earned it." I said to Nayeon as I handed her the things I bought for her.
"But I chose Taehyung uncle?" she said looking at Taehyung. Taehyung was also standing there confused.
I bent down a little to reach her little height and said "You have them both." I said

" TaeTae and the limited edition bag and the top and skirt?" She asked confused
"Yes all of them." I said to which she hugged me tightly. Well yes, I was about to suffocate but I did not want to tell her that. That hug was the best hug ever.
"Thank you mom" she said. I pulled back.

"Mom?" I asked
"Oops! Sorry to call you that. You see, mom left me. It's been a long time. She never writes letters to me or does not message me.." she said sadly
"Awww" I cooed

"Yea..." She said
"Well, you can call me mom" I said
"Really??" She asked
"Yes, really!" I said smiling.

"Can I call TaeTae dad?" Nayeon asked
"Umm yes I mean no I mean n-no I mean y-es uh no no no y-es" I stuttered like an idiot. Well, I had been in 8th grade and I knew what we had to do to have a kid. I was way too embarrassed thinking stuff like that and

"Yes, you can call me Dad." Taehyung said. Well he was the savior of the awkward situation.
"Now it is time for sleep!" he said and took Nayeon to her room and put her to sleep. He cam out of her room and winked at me again.

Wasn't he being a bit to flirty today. Whatever, do I look like I care. I might not look like I care but I do. I do because I think I am starting to fall for you Kim Taehyung

Taehyung P.O.V

I saw Jisoo standing there as I came out my room and winked at her again. She might be feeling so confused you know?
But I want to see her reaction and see her love. I think I have started to fall for you Kim Jisoo.

Love started finally!!

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*Word Count - 735*

Lots of Love ❤️

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