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Hey guys! I might take a bit more time to update the parts from now on. So, I might update once in 2 days or once a 1 day. Because my new school term is starting and I will have tons of homework to do. I will try my hardest to update. Shoutout to @LalremtluangTei for commenting. ❤️

Jisoo P.O.V

"Why Jin, I loved you more than anything. I lost myself after losing you but what could a 13 year old Jisoo do, nothing!"I said, crying all my heart out
"When you left, Mom left the house. Appa went looking for her and came back after 6 days. A 13 year old Jisoo did not eat or drink anything. Just sat on the window's edge and kept thinking about jump off." I added

"Jimin and Rosè, now you may leave..." I said as Rosè took jimin out and closed the door.
"Jin I came to your house but did not have the courage to enter thinking you will kick me out!" I said as Jin kept standing there as a statue, not moving a bit.

"Jin are you even listening?" I asked as Jin spoke nothing. Jin had this problem, whenever he was too sad he couldn't speak.
"Jin?" I asked and he looked up. I understood that Jin couldn't speak . Actually, it is dangerous. Someone has to press his stomach 5 times and hit his back 3 times. I ran towards him and did what I was supposed to.

"You remember?" he asked looking at me
"Of course I do, Are you okay??" I asked worried.
"I mean *cough-cough* do I care?" I asked
"Can we be sister and brother again?" Jin asked

"Yes I mean no I mean yes. Wait, I will first do something." I said and slapped him 3 times and punched him once.
"What are you even doing id-" he was about to call me idiot but I hugged him tighter than ever and burst into tears.
"I love you Jin Oppa!!" I said as I hugged him even tighter
"I love you too!" he said hugging me back.
"What the heck is going on in here?" Jennie asked pulling my hand and taking me out of the room. Not very surprisingly, I messed up.

Rosè P.O.V

Me and jimin left the room and saw Jennie and Lisa waiting outside. I knew that I wasn't supposed to say anything about what happened inside so I did not open my mouth because every time I would, I spill everything out.

"What is going on inside?" Jennie asked to which I hit Jimin's shoulder indicating him to tell something to Jennie.

"Nothing!" jimin said
"Did I ask you, idiot?" Jennie asked looking at jimin
"Aah, stop fighting!" I said trying to control from anything coming out.
"What is going on inside Rosè?" Lisa asked coming towards me.

"Umm uh umm uh umm aah uh Jisoo unnie is scaring Jin to never come close to her ever again because no matter what, she always wins!" I said

"Oh ok" Lisa said as she pulled Jennie to the corner with her. Jimin asked me to open his hands as he was still tied up. I said "Nope. Let Jisoo unnie tell me to open your hands and I will..." smiling

"Yah! Open me up!" he said angrily
"Okay but if you hurt me Jennie or Lisa then I am sorry you are go-o-o-o-o-o-o-ne" I said singing the song gone by Blackpink's main vocalist .
"Shut up and open my hands!" jimin said to which I smiled and opened the rope tied on his hands.

"I mean we can be friends." Jimin said
"What is your number" he added
"My number is **********" I said. I was so lost in talking to him, I did not see Jennie unnie go in the room.

"What the heck is going on here?" she screamed bringing out Jisoo unnie.
"Bye jimin!" I said and ran behind Lisa who was following Jennie and Jisoo.

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*Word Count - 687*.

Lots of Love ❤️

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