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Jisoo P.O.V

"So if you don't mind, can you leave me now? I have to change this dress." I said
"Nope, I am not leaving you!" he said and held me tighter.
"Yah!" I said and trying to pull away from him. I bit him. Yeah, my mafia skills just kicked in. I didn't mean to do that.

"Ow!" he said and held his wrist. He was bleeding.
"Jenjang (damn it)" he said looking at the bite. It was bleeding a lot.
"Oops! My mafia skills kicked in." I said telling him the truth.

"If it weren't you I would have bit the other person too you know? Nice to know this bite is from you." he said
"I mean if you really want to....then here" I said as I showed him my wrist.
"Why?" he asked looking at my wrist.

"You can bite me. I can bear the pain I guess." I said and saw him come closer to me. Was he actually going to do that? I closed my eyes tight as I felt him hold my wrist. He held it and gave it a kiss. Well now I received a kiss on my wrist nerve.
"Huh?" I asked confused.

"Why would I hurt my jagi (honey)?" He asked me and held me. Yeah, my designer dress was getting spoiled by his blood but did I care? No.
"Aaaa you're so cute!!" I said smiling.

"But in my lifetime I have already had uh......" I said
"I've taken in five gunshots so a bite would not hurt!" I said
"Five gunshots?" He asked

"I know it is less" I said embarrassed.
"No you idiot that is a lot!!" He said
"Well for me it isn't..." I said
"Now let me put a bandage on that bite!" I said

"Okie." he said and followed me up to the secret house. I went in the bandage room and removed the Gauze and betadin.
"So I might not marry you Jisoo." he said as I was applying the betadin.
"Why?" I asked him serious about what he just told me.

"Well you hit very hard. Maybe at night when we will be sleeping, you will bite me. Or maybe when we are fighting you may bite me. I wouldn't take risks you know?" He said
"Oh okay." I said and finished the medical work to be done on his hand. Yeah it's a bit upsetting that he said something like that. It hurts but it doesn't matter.

"I was kidding!" he said and held my wrist as I was leaving.
"I know." I said.
"Anyone would marry you Jisoo!" he said. My back was still facing him.
"That is the aren't anyone tae" I said now facing him. He frowned.

"You are different. Your words matter not the other's so even when you joke and I know that you are joking, it hurts as if I did not know it was a joke. Because I love you to this extinct that everything you say is like a new chapter for me." I said

"Really?" He asked and I nodded.
"Well then know that I love you more than anything. I will murder the person who cheats on me with you." he said
"Ha." I said

"Then I should cheat on you with everyone of my enemies!" I said smiling.
"Yah!" He said
"Don't you dare cheat on me. Plus you are mine only now aren't you. Be mine forever!" he said and I smiled.

"Pinky promise?" He asked showing his pinky.
"Mmm pinky promise..." I said and joined my pinky with his pinky.
"Let's watch a movie!" he said

"Horror?" I asked
"Perfect." he said and we found a movie named 'The Nun?" I really wanted to watch that.
"The nun is fine?" I asked tae
"Uh yeah?" he said. I think he was scared of horror movies. But me who was here, not even scared of blood. Haha mafia things.

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**Word Count - 676**

Lots is love ❤️

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