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Jisoo P.O.V

This Taehyung, he is so difficult. I mean after so many "no's" he finally took the watch. It is already night. I planned to go to Taehyung's room and see if he is doing well in his new room.

The cut he got was although very tiny but very deep. Actually I knew why it was so deep, it had a simple reason. He was hit by Jennie. She had accidentally hit me this once and that day I realized the power she held.

I was in a fight with a bodyguard and I signaled her to hit him from the back. Bu by the time she came, the bodyguard fell because I hit him a bit too hard and my bit too hard means way too hard.

So as I was saying when the bodyguard fell she hit me, punched me. Funny story, isn't it ? So I went to Taehyung's room and knocked the door. Should I go?? It is already 11:00 in the night. Would he be asleep?

Taehyung P.O.V

I am almost finishing my book. Just 10 pages left. The girl, will she come back alive?? I mean she had superpowers so-
"Knock knock." someone knocked the door.
"Come in!" I shouted .
"Hey..." Jisoo said nervously.

"Hey!" I said as I put my book down.
"So what are you doing?" she asked as she closed the door.
"Nothing just finishing my book."  I said.
"The same one due to which you dropped your coffee on Jennie?" She asked.

"Yes, that one..." I said.
"May I?" she asked pointing towards the bed.
"Oh yes sure!" I said smiling.

**Awkward silence of 2 mins**

"Umm so why are you here?" I asked breaking the silence.
"I am here because I wanted to say sorry for what Jennie did today..." she said.
"About that? I already forgot." I said.

"How is your wound?" she asked touching my bandage.
"Oh uh I it is f-fine" I said stuttering. She quickly removed her hand off the bandage.

*—Next Morning—*

Jisoo P.O.V

"Good morning ma'am!" said a manly deep husky voice.
"Ugh Taehyung again in my dreams. God please stttoooooopppppp!!" I said loud.
"It is not a dream, it is real you idiot." he said. Did he just call me idiot? I'll smack him so hard, he'll reach Antarctica this instant.

"Let me tell you, you look better in real life." I said getting up from my bed.
"You-" he said but before he finished,
"Oh look, The bandage is there too!" I said stupidly touching the bandage on his cheek.
"Wait, why aren't you disappearing??" I asked.

"I am real..." Taehyung said to which he pinched me.
"Ouch!" I screamed. I felt the heat on my cheeks. I was tomato red.
"Stop dreaming about me!" Taehyung said as he closed the door and left. He came in again and said.
"Here something Mina wrote for you." he said as he handed me a letter.

The letter read-
"I am sorry. I will not be able to come for work today. I am not feeling very well. Mr.Taehyung will wake you up so please do not think of him as a dream you are going to embarrass yourself.

"Damn, I screwed up." I said to myself.
"And here is your towel!" Taehyung said as he put the towel on my bed and left.

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*Word Count - 577*

                                                                                   Lots of love ❤️

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