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Jisoo P.O.V

"Cause I know your love for chicken. You would order the best of it!" Namjoon said smiling.
"You know...I just am the best!" I said proudly *hair flip*. Me and RM chatted for a while. Taehyung was not showing any interest of talking with me or namjoon.
"So wanna go out for coffee tomorrow?" Namjoon asked when suddenly Taehyung looked at him with wide eyes.

Namjoon did not notice that but I did. He then realized what he was doing and again started minding his own business or shall I say pretend to mind his own business.
"Uhh yes, sure!" I said kinda confused on the uhh but smiling on the yes sure. He had a smile brighter than ever.
"Ok then, what time?" he asked finally coming back to normal Namjoon from happy Namjoon.

"Uhh 5 maybe?" I said
"Ok!" Namjoon said
"Wanna join us TaeTae!" Namjoon asked trying to make him comfortable.

"Better not call me TaeTae. Only Nayeon has the right to call me that" Taehyung said with anger. The same guy who shook of my hand. I wonder what is wrong with him today. Namjoon kinda got sad with how Taehyung reacted but controlled it.

"Ok then we can call it a friend date?" I said confused
"Sure!" namjoon said smiling.
"Here is you food, I hope you enjoy." said the waiter as he put the plates on the table.

"Thank you so much!" I said
"Thank you." namjoon and Taehyung said together. Finally this boy opened his mouth to say something.

**Time Skip**

"Ok guys, bye!" Namjoon said as I happily waved at him and bid him goodbye. Taehyung standing there with his hands in his pockets, doing nothing. Have I done something wrong? He has changed or maybe just does not like my friend. Whatever. I will sooon ask him what is wrong with him.

Taehyung P.O.V

Me and Jisoo were walking and she held my hand. I shook it of again. This time that guy what was his name? Jennie no uh RP no umm namsoon no yes Namjoon, that was his name. He was not here.
"What is wrong with you?" Jisoo asked confused. Actually, she's right. What is wrong with me? I guess I do not know myself. I just walked off and reached the house before her. Luckily, I had the keys so I opened the door and got in.

I saw some stuff lying around. Even though I was tired as hell, I planned to clean it up. As I was picking the glass up to put it in the sink, I felt arms wrapping around my wrist.

I dropped the glasses in shock. Since I knew it was Jisoo , I did not turn back and just crouched and picked the glass pieces up. I threw them in the bin. I was going to my room when Jisoo held my hand tightly.

"Why are you like this? Have I done something wrong??" She asked worried
"No." I said as I removed her hand off my wrist. I was going up the stairs.
"KIM TAEHYUNG STAND RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE!! WHY ARE YOU ACTING AS IF YOU OWN ME?? " She said angrily. I stood there for a second but then left.

"What is wrong with him? I think I must have messed up!" she said to herself whispering but I heard it thanks to my  sharp ears.

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*Word Count - 572*

                                                                                Lots of Love ❤️

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