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A/N : Hey! I am updating early today because umm I wrote 3 parts extra so ya and congrats because you have finally reached the point where Taehyung enters the book. Bye. Do not forget to comment your thoughts and also please vote! Love y'all ❤️.

Jisoo P.O.V

"Are you hungry?" Joong- I asked
"Yes, Nayeon ate dinner whereas me nah-ah" I said
"Ok, I will quickly prepare something." she said
"Thanks!" I said smiling.

After sometime she served me chicken and said "Here"
"Chhhhiiiiiiicccckkkkkkeeeeeeennnnnnn?????" I asked
"Yes, I know your love for chicken." she said smiling
"Thank you mom." I said smiling

"Oops sorry" I said
"No, it is fine, you can call me mom. After all I have been taking care of you since 7 years right?" She asked
"Unless you are comfortable..." I said and smiled
"Oh, I take you as my daughter!" she said

"Really, then I will call you mom, ok?"
"Yes" she said smiling. Actually she was a 58 year old and she cooked food in my house from over 7 years. So, I never took her as my mom but I would finally feel the love of a mom in 7 years. Finally.

Next Morning :

"Come on, time to get up!!" someone said
"Ya! Shut up let me sleep!" I said
"Ugh same story every day" he said
"The heck? Am I in a dream again?" I said
"Oh really, at least open your beautiful eyes" he said. I open my eyes to see a very good looking guy with a bright smile.
"Ugh! Get me out my dream." I said irritated. I knew no guy with such a beautiful face. Whatever.

"I wish that was actually the truth. But welcome to the life of a mafia!" I said coming out of my dream
"Good morning ma'am." my maid Mina said
"Good morning." I said
"Thought about the modeling yet ? I have you so many numbers last week." I asked

"Oh no no, none of them actually."
"Why don't you understand? You're so pretty and walk like a queen! People will die to be like you!" I said
"They're too expensive for me ma'am." She said
"I TOLD YOU I WILL PAY FOR YOU!!" I said slightly yelling

"No ma'am, why would you pay for me ?" She asked
"Do as I say. Read them!" I said
"Ok ma'am, I will think about it again." She said

"Here, your towel and toothpaste" she said smiling handing me the things

"Thanks" I said
"And here, clothes for your mission today" she said handing me a suit. Yes, she knows everything about me and my mafia world.
"Thanks" I said smiling. After getting done with everything I went downstairs and saw Nayeon eating breakfast.
"Hi auntie!!" she said

"Started eating without me?" I asked
"You are 10 mins late" she said in a commanding voice
"Oh miss, I am so sorry" I said and took my tiffin from the table top.
"Don't leave me alone!" she said holding my wrist lightly

"Play with joong- I, no?" I said smiling
"I will be back soon" I added.
"Ok" she said smiling
"From tomorrow you will have someone playing with you all day ok??" I said smiling

"Ok but mom did not send me my chocolates" she said sadly
"Oh yes about that. I will bring them today evening, " I said smiling.
"Ok Byyeeeeeeee" she said
"Bye darling." I said

"It is going to be a long day!" I said to myself as I walked towards Jennie's house. It had a distance of 10 mins from my house. We were like neighbors.
"Ding Dong!!" rang the bell.
"Hey." I said

"Ready for the mission?" I asked. Actually I told her the last night that she will be the one to come with me to Irene's husband house.
"Mhmm." she replied taking her phone in her hand.

Somewhere on the way to Irene's Husband's house.

Jennie was walking besides me, when suddenly some person who was reading a book and walking with a coffee in his hand without even looking anywhere bumped into Jennie.

The coffee fell all over her. The person was familiar to me. He was the guy from my sleep. Hold on, HE EXISTED??
"I am so sorry! " he said
"What the heck mister?" Jennie said angrily trying to wipe of the coffee of her coat.

"I m so sorry!!" he said once again
"This coat literally costs more than your life idiot! " Jennie said angrily. He did not say anything for 10 secs looking at me. Jennie was looking at me confused about what was happening

"I am sorry." he said
"I can pay for it!" he added
"Oh really, pay me 2900 dollars." Jennie said

"Huh? That much for a coat?" he asked
"Ya! It is the Gucci limited edition coat. That is why it costs more than your life idiot!" Jennie said
"Relax..." he said
"Jennie give me your coat!" I said giving her my hand. Jennie gave me her coat

"Keep it. Looks like it will help you earn some money. Watch where you go" I said giving him a death glare.
"Let's go Jennie. I will buy you another one". Luckily there wasn't any coffee on Jennie's t-shirt. Or he would be dead meat.
If you want to know how he looked Picture Above ^^

Don't forget to vote ✨

Word Count : 905
Why so longgg???

Lots of Love ❤️

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