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Jisoo P.O.V

Although mafias aren't supposed to have any weaknesses, I have one..well not one but five so let me tell you who they are.  Lisa, Rosè, Jennie, Irene and her child,Nayeon. This is her —>

So as I told you, there is no one literally no one who is more deadlier than me in this whole wide world but when it comes to these 5 people, I am softer than usual

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So as I told you, there is no one literally no one who is more deadlier than me in this whole wide world but when it comes to these 5 people, I am softer than usual. For inference, I'm as soft as a feather.

*knock knock*
"Come in" I said
"A mission, come on" Lisa said
"Coming,10 mins"
I wore my suit and this is how I look:
Picture above ^^

I wore trousers on the bottom so it was easier to fight (I mean, imagine a girl fighting with a skirt. On second thoughts, don't.) So we had to make a deal for getting 5 million dollars from a small but good earning company. So the plan was to get the deal and shoot. As simple as that.

I was the one who had to go and get the deal and kill the others. We had luck by our side. The man did not care about his company much and easily got attracted to pretty girls. And according to my group, I was the prettiest (they aren't lying) so I went there.
Here is how it went :

I got in with security check and permission to the CEO's room, who we had to kill.
"Good morning sir." I said as soon as I got in the room. I could see the dirty look in his eyes. I felt like beating him up but I soon had to kill him do it worked.

"Oh, come in baby. No need to be formal with me." he said with a smirk. Pervert.
"Did that lowlife just smirk at me??!?!" I thought in my mind and got a feeling of cursing him on his face that basically looked like the ugliest thing on the planet . But when it came to missions, I was very serious. As soon as I sat down beside him I felt him touching me in a bad way.

I felt like giving him a tight kick and remove his heart from his chest and throw it in the fish tank of his but I relaxed and said "So sir, I am here to make a deal. We would like to borrow 5 million dollars from your company and use it for our company's profit and the profit we make out of it, we will give you the 70% of it."

As he was playing with my hair and smelling it making weird shitty faces he quickly moved away and said "Take it today darling but on one deal."
"What deal sir" I asked
"You will be my girlfriend" he said.
I was like cussing him in my mind thinking "You are literally a 80 year old man who wants to date a 24 year old girl like what the?!?!"
"But sir, you're 80." I said.
"Age is just a number, my love" he said.
"You know what else is a number?" I asked
"What?" He asked
"911" I said
Thank god he was deaf (I mean of course, he was so old) and he didn't hear that.
"Sorry?" He asked
"On second thoughts actually, yes, I will date you." I said
"Now, sign the papers." I said

"No no say 'baby sign the papers please!'" He said. This little I mean old guy thought I would say that??? Ha.ha.ha

He's right, ugh. Things I do for missions...

"Baby please sign these papers" I said cringing in my mind like crazy.
As soon as he signed the papers, his body guard came in and gave me 5 million dollars in a suitcase and left.

That is when I got up and said "Oh my sweet baby aww you love me too much perhaps not love, you want something else. You made a mistake and it is too late." the first words were a bit disgusting to say but the last few words is when I got to into my real character.
I cracked my knuckles and said "Let's begin the game, should we?"

To be continued......
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*Word Count : 714*

Lots of Love ❤️...

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