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Hi guys! It is ME, your author. I really love you all and thank you sooooooooooooooooooooo much for 2k reads!!!!!!! THANK YOUU SOOOOO MUCH. TRIPLE UPDATE COMING UP. ❤️❤️

Jisoo P.O.V

"Fine." I said
"I'll take that fine as a yes!" I said
"Take it as a yes." I said
"Now go freshen up and I will wake up and drop Nayeon to school." he said

**30 mins later** Taehyung P.O.V

I dropped her to school and now I am on the couch lying. When I received a message from my bestie kookie.

Kookie 🍪: Hey! Is that girl your girlfriend? You never call me. Before we could not go a day without talking to each other.

Taehyung : Yo do you ship us or something? Just stop this whole girlfriend thing. Anyways hi how are you?

Kookie 🍪 : First asking me about her and then asking me how I am doing like wow! Taehyung it is time we talk.

Taehyung: What?

Kookie 🍪 : It's over.

Taehyung: What's over?

Kookie 🍪: We are breaking up!!!

Taehyung: No kookie I love you don't leave me **drama**

Kookie 🍪: I'm leaving you Taehyung-ssi you found someone new. It was great with you.

Taehyung: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo *runs in slo mo and hugs you*

Kookie 🍪: Lol!

Taehyung: Hehe was fun.

Kookie 🍪: #dramaticbreakup

Taehyung: Yes so true 👏

Kookie 🍪: Lol! Gotta go bye!

Taehyung: Looks like YOU found someone new 😏

Kookie 🍪: No shut up! I have work to do. Bye

Taehyung: Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Kookie 🍪: Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Yes. We often did this dramatic breakup thing. It was common for us to do such things. If you see all our chats, I promise you, I will meet you directly in heaven and the news will say you died because of too much laughter or laughter overload. After all, we were childhood best friends.


I saw Jisoo coming out of her room. I expected her to be in some nice dress but she came in PJ's that too the ones with Pokémon on them. She looks so cute but clearly not acceptable.
"You are wearing this to the coffee date?" I asked pointing at the dress disgusted.
"Yes, any problem?" She asked and rechecked herself.

"I don't see any problem." she said
"I do and you are changing this dress right now!" I said
"Nope this is me." she said
"You better go yourself or.." I said

"Or?" She asked
"Or I will drop you to your room and make you change on purpose." I said
"I'm all yours!" she said and put her hands up. I picked her up and dropped her to her room. Since, I picked her up on my shoulder she was still hitting my back and I swear on god she was lady-hulk, she hit so hard.

"Leave me you monster!" she said still hitting my back with her hands folded in a punching manner.
"Oww stop you are all mine right?" I asked her as we went up the stairs.
"Yes but I did not want you to actually carry me!" she said
"Don't underestimate me babe." I said

"Shut up!" She said hitting me continuously. We finally reached her room. The torture was finally over.
"Now go change." I said as I closed her room's door. After 15 mins, I saw a Jisoo coming out. I was literally drooling luckily my mouth was closed. She looked heavenly-angelic-beautiful-superb-rocking and everything at the same time. This 'kind personality' was really beautiful. If you want to see how she looks (Picture Above ^^).

"If this is not okay, I will happily change it!" she said
"It's....perfect." I said finally happy
"Ugh. Fine I am wearing this." she said irritated.

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*Word count - 621*

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