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Jisoo P.O.V

I'd be telling a lie to you all if I didn't just hear Taehyung saying 'Yes and that is why I love you' or maybe I was just hearing things cause I like him. So he took the first bite and I saw the satisfaction on his face.
"How is it?" I said as I put my hand on the table and placed my face over it.

"Absolutely delicious." he said
"I can eat 10 plates of this!" he said smiling.
"That's sweet, actually this is just like my 4th time cooking in my life..." I said

"I cooked twice when I was younger and once today as lunch and once right now." I said. Taehyung was eating his food and listening to me carefully too. That's nice of him.
"Sorry if I am blabbering stuff you don't want to hear..." I said looking down.

"Nonono nothing you say is boring for me!" he said as he came closer to my face smiling brightly.
"I'll message Jin to eat dinner, did he eat lunch?" I asked
"Uh not with me. While I was there he was pretty much depressed." he said

"Then I should call him!" I said
"You should." he said as I excused myself and went to the corner, I called Jin. Well guess what, he picked up!

"Hello Jisoo I am sooo sorry! I lied to you and it was my mistake and I don't want to be like before...without you!" he said as soon as he picked up the call.
"Hello?" I asked
"Hello?" Jin asked too
"Oh it is me. No need to say sorry! Love ya. You should eat dinner and you better do." I said
"Now who is being the scary mother huh?" He asked
"Shut up! Ok Jin a serious case!" I said
"What?" He asked. Now his tone was all serious.
"I spotted someone more handsome than you on the streets..." I said trying to control my laughter.
"What???" He said as I heard a glass breaking. Was he drinking water?
"I'm gonna kill that little-" he was about to say something but I cut him off.
"You can't just go around killing people." I said
"Oh god, where is my mirror? I need to make sure I'm the most handsome one" he said
"Ok Jin, just know there is no one more handsome than you in this whole wide world ok?" I asked
"I know and thanks!" He said. I could feel his smile on the line.
"Ok now eat dinner and then call me. If you did not eat the food I made today, just warm it up and eat it ok?" I said and asked
"Ok byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" he said
"Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" I said and cut the call.

I was smiling like an idiot at this moment. My smile reaching ear to ear.
"So he apologized huh?" Taehyung said from beside me. I got scared and placed a hand on my heart.
"Oh namjesus you scared me" I said

"Hehe TAEHYUNG- 2 JISOO -2" he said
"You still remember that??" I asked
"Yes, I do" he said.
"Now I have a confession to make." he said. He was serious.

"Go ahead" I said
"I uh I uh I-I uh" he said stuttering.
"I uh, that is what you want to say?" I asked
"No dummy!" he said

"Don't call me dummy!" I said
"Ok." he said and took a deep breath in
"I love you!" he said. Oh freak!

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** Word Count- 594**

Lots of Love ❤️

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