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Taehyung P.O.V

"Hello??" She said
"Hi." I said nervously
"What is wrong with you? I have been standing here from the past 10 mins saying hello like an idiot." she said rolling her eyes. Pissed her off already! Well done my boy!! 

"Uh umm uh I-I a am uh s- miane" I said stuttering. Why on earth am I stuttering?!? Actually I barely even gathered myself to say only that much.
"Do I know you??" She asked to which I looked down

"Very well indeed" she said in the coldest way.
"I I am s sorry f for that that d d d day ok??" I said again stuttering. Gather yourself together Taehyung.
"Anyways from now on call me ma'am" she said
"And I am Kim Jisoo by the way" she added.

"What no, I did not even get interviewed by you and I did not even get the job" I said thank goddess not stuttering. Phew!
"I will give you 5 seconds, think about it. Do you want this job?" I asked him
"Hannah, dul, set, neth, daesot" she counted till 5

"May I know your answer sir?" she asked
"Ok" I said
"Ok means a yes?" she asked
"Yes, it means yes." I said.

"Good" she said
"Aauuunnnnttttttiiiiieeeeeeee" said a little 5 year old kid coming down the stairs
"Hi, baby" she said smiling brightly. They were hugging each other tightly.

She was sitting on the ground cause the kiddo was very small. Oh, her heart shaped smile. Why cannot she be the same with me?
Aish, Taehyung. Stop thinking such things. You are her enemy. Ugh!

"Taehyung!" She shouted
"Why do you keep looking at me like that? You look like a creep." she said getting disgusted
"Sorry." I said
"Hmmm anyways this is Nayeon." she said looking towards me.

" Nayeon this is Taehyung uncle. He will take care of you while I am not there" she said looking towards her.
"Taehyung uncle ewww call me taetae." I said to the little kid. No it was Nayeon.
"Ok taetae" she said
"Ok now Nayeon did you pack your bag for school today?" she asked her

"Yesh I did" Nayeon said adorably showing her Elsa bag smiling.
"Ok great, Taehyung come with me" she said
"Ok" I said as she took me to the side holding my wrist.

"Listen, pick her up from school at 1 o clock, don't let her eat more than 2 chocolates. I will be home at 8 o clock at night and put her to sleep at 4. All the timings and everything is there on the kitchen table. Follow it." she said
"Okay" I said showing her my box smile.

"Hello sir, Stop trying to be cute in front of me." she said rudely and then coming forward to which I kept stepping back. There was a wall behind back and I could not move back anymore but she kept stepping forward.

"Let's play a game. We scare each other by small things." she said
"Why is you heart beating so fast Taehyung?" she said coming closer. Oh god! My heart would malfunction.

"I I don't know m-move a a a way from m-me" I said stuttering. Hold yourself together Taehyung!!
"JISOO - 1....TAEHYUNG - 0" she said going backwards.
"Come with me Nayeon." she said as she closed the door of the room.
"Haha. Just a game idiot. Control yourself." She said chuckling as she left the room. I ran out the room and saw her go with Nayeon.

"Bye Taehyung!" she shouted
"Pack your bags and shift here." She said
"The room beside mine is your room." she added
"Okay and bye" I said.
A/N : Too less of Jisoo and Taehyung. Sorry. More is waiting for you 😉

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Lots of love ❤️
*Word Count - 641*

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