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Jisoo P.O.V

Forgot to mention, as soon as I saw his profile photo. I changed mine to a picture that says unknown. Haha, he won't know me ;). I texted him.
Jisoo - Hey!
Yes, I messaged him a hey. 2 minutes later I saw a response. Damn he is fast in replying.
Babysitter - Hello :)

Jisoo - Is this Taehyung?

Babysitter - Yes, that is very much me.
Babysitter - How may I help you?

Jisoo - Oh okay. I saw your advertisement on Facebook. For babysitting.

Babysitter- Oh yes and...?

Jisoo - I need a 24 hour babysitting. Are you available? You will be given a room in my house!

Babysitter - Yes, I am available.

Jisoo - Thanks! Come to meet me tomorrow.

Babysitter - Won't you ask the price?

Jisoo - It doesn't really matter

Babysitter - How??

Jisoo - I just need someone who takes good care of my kid. Nothing else.

Babysitter - How sweet. Just so you know the pricing for 24 hour babysitting is $ 100 a week because I will be with the kid through out the day.

Jisoo - That works. Thanks,😊!!

Babysitter - My pleasure.

Hehe. This guy is going to be so shocked seeing me. He is already hired.

Taehyung P.O.V

I just put out an advertisement for babysitting. I really hope someone needs it.
**1 Hour Later**
I was sitting on the couch reading the best book on earth when I received a message.

Unknown - Hey!

***A/N : I do not want to waste your time so the text story is in jisoo's point of view. Pls vote and comment if you are enjoying my story. And alert 🚨 Vsoo coming up :). ***

Jisoo P.O.V

"Auntie!" said my baby coming down the stairs. This girl, she makes me forget every single trouble.
"Hi." I said as she hugged me tightly
"So, guess what?" I said
"What?" She asked

"I bought- I mean your mom gave some chocolates for you just as she promised." I said
"Yaaayyyyy" she said as she took the small basket I handed her.
"Ooohhhh they are all the chocolates I love!!" she said
"Yes, they are." I said

"Ok now, I will only allow you to eat 2 chocolates a day ok??" I said
"Only 2??" She asked
"Yes. Two a day is enough." I said.
We ate dinner and onto bed. I allowed Nayeon to sleep in other room because I did not want to invade her privacy.
Am I excited for tomorrow??

Yes, I am! Evil me :)

**The next Day**
"Come on, get up!" My maid Mina said
"Here is your towel" she added
"Thanks Mina" I said smiling with my eyes closed and trying to hide the sunlight from my eyes. I wasn't in the mood to talk about the modeling today, I was too tired and had a lot on my mind :)

"The babysitter is coming today." Mina said as she closed the door of my room. That line alone made me get up right
up away. I went to the bathroom and took a shower.

Taehyung P.O.V

Oh god! I am so nervous. I am going to meet Miss today. The one I have to stay with for 24 hours till I do not know how long. I rang the doorbell.
"Ding Ding!" it rang
A lady opened the door.
"Hi I am the new babysitter, Taehyung" I said

"Oh hi, I am Mina. The maid of this house." she said and gave me a warm welcome. The house, it left me speechless. I felt like I am in a history textbook from about 600 years ago and I am a prince entering the palace. That is how beautiful it was. The lady who was going to interview me today came out the door with a beautiful dress on.

The next thing which just happened in front of my mouth must have gone 6 inches wide looking and identifying her, forget about my eyebrows, they must have just jumped out of their places and my eyes were on their verge of popping right out of their sockets. I needed air, I will faint no sooner.
"Oh crap. It is her!!" I thought


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*Word Count - 698*

                                                                                    Lots of love ❤️

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