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Jisoo P.O.V

I woke up and saw the bandage on my leg. I smiled a bit knowing that Taehyung put the bandage on. I tried recognizing my room but no matter how hard I tried, I could not understand where I was. I had seen Taehyung's room a couple of times and it looked nothing like this. He was one of the messy people. Like literally every time I came into his room. It was a mess and by mess I mean mess.

I got onto alert mode and took out the pocket knife I had in my necklace. Yes, I had a knife in my necklace so if by any chance I get kidnapped at least I can fight. Taehyung has sometimes got scared of this necklace but now I can say he is used to it. I took the knife off the necklace and opened the door, to find Taehyung standing on my face.

Like our faces were 2 inches away from each other. I could not see his face so I pushed him a bit and took the knife in the air holding it to scare him enough. He put his hands up. And then, I realized it was the one and only most stupid Taehyung.

"Taehyung??" I asked making sure it was him. The knife was still there between us. His hand were up as in he surrendered.
"So that is what you use that knife for huh?" He asked putting his hands down.
"Duh! Umm I mean no I mean yes I mean never!" I said confused

"It is for self-defense." I said finally. I felt proud of myself for not stuttering.
"When will I know your job?" He asked and started going downstairs.
"And btw it is already 2:30 so you better get ready!" he said looking at me and turned back around and started walking down the stairs casually.

"YAH! KIM TAEHYUNG WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!??" I shouted in anger
"What's wrong with me, darling?" Taehyung said facing me standing on the stair right there starting at me trying to act all innocent.
"Shut up and let me go!" I said as I ran down the stairs

This guy expected me to dress up and put my makeup on in just in 30 mins. And on top of that, it takes me 15 mins to reach the cafe even by car. So, basically I had 15 mins to put on my makeup and to dress up and to be ready to leave in my car. Wow!!

Namjoon P.O.V

It is already 3:15 and Jisoo is not here. Well, I can say there is a lot of things I have to tell her today. Let me message her.
Namjoon - Yo poo! Where are you?

Jichu - Yo! I'll be there in maybe 2 mins! Is that fine donkey? **Whisper** Stop calling me poo!!

Namjoon - Ok! And I will not stop calling you poo, poo!

Jichu - Whatever! It is useless even telling you. I mean you will not listen any which ways. 😡

Namjoon - Better be careful idiot. Don't get into an accident. After all the rule is not to chat while driving.

Jichu - Overprotective dad award goes to Kim Namjoon aka RM aka Rap Monster. Lallalalallaa 👏👏

Namjoon - Shut up and drive properly.

Jichu - Love ya!

Yes, her name Jichu in my phone lol. But Oh lord, That last statement made my heart flutter.

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*Word Count - 582*

Lots of Love ❤️

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