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Taehyung P.O.V

This really intense part came in my book that I got lost in it and forgot to see the pathway. I was walking when I suddenly bumped into someone and all my coffee fell over her. Oops.
"I am so sorry!" I said
"What the heck mister?" she said as she was trying to wipe the coffee of her coat.

"I am so sorry." I said
"This coat literally costs more than your life!" she said. I suddenly saw a beautiful girl standing right beside the one I spilled coffee on. Her Dark Brown eyes , Her silky hair, her beautiful lips, her wide eyes. She might be such a kind personality. That is when I realized, I gaped out for 10 seconds.

'Aish! Taehyung stop thinking such things' I thought to myself.
"I am so sorry..." I said
"I can pay for it." I said trying to make that girl ok.
"Oh really? Ok then pay me 2900 dollars!" She said

"Huh? That much for a coat??" I asked, shocked by what she just said.
"Ya! It is the Gucci limited edition coat. That is why it costs more than your life, idiot." She said
"Relax." I said as I saw her speak without even taking a single breath.
"Jennie, give me your coat" the kind personality (Jisoo) said.

"Keep it. Looks like it will help you earn some money. Watch where you go." She (Jisoo) said giving me a death glare. The "kind personality" just proved me wrong. Ugh! People nowadays. So rude.

Jisoo P.O.V :: Location - Irene Husband house.
We rang the doorbell. Some guy opened the door. We showed him our cards and said we are police officers and came there to ask him some questions. As soon as he let us in his house. "You killed Irene didn't you?" Jennie said as she could not control the anger

"What? No never. She she She w-was my wife. I I w w w would never d d do th-that to h-her" he said stuttering
"Sir, please follow us." I said
"No. You people seem wrong..." he said
"Ok Jennie come on!" I said
I grasped his elbow and made him fall over and Jennie caught him immediately.
I quickly injected the sleeping medicine into his arm. He would only wake up after 2 hours.

We took him to a special basement.
A soundproof basement.
No one could hear him.
He would be given stale food every day.
Just one meal every day.
Where he could not do anything.
Where he would get no place to stand.
Just a small corner to sit.
Nothing to see.
No lights except for a red one.
Let him die. He killed Irene, my only family.
He would die.
I wish I could kill him right away but leave him there.
He will understand the real meaning of death.

It was around 4:00. Jennie left for her house and I left for mine. I felt relieved today. Happy that I did what I wanted to. Let that lowlife die. I felt proud.

I reached home and Nayeon was asleep. I was very tired so I sat down on the sofa and started scrawling through Facebook. I saw an advertisement for babysitting. And I really needed a babysitter for Nayeon so I saved his contact and named it babysitter.

Actually I saw his profile photo (picture above ^^). I knew it was the guy in my dreams who destroyed Jennie's Gucci coat.
But I really thought he was adorable and you know he babysitting Nayeon would be perfect as he would work under me. Haha I am cruel right?? Don't worry it will never change ;)

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*Word Count - 627*

                                                                                 Lots of Love ❤️

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