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Hi guys! Before you start reading this part, I have something to tell you. From now on your author that is me is going to be giving shoutouts to the first vote for the chapter.

So that means if you vote right now and be the first one *drum roll* you will get a shoutout in the next chapter yayy! Till now some of my very supportive readers are getting a shoutout. Here they are :
@ kshirabdi
@ _jixhuyaa_
@ AlexandraVerano307
@ Lalremtluangi Te-i

Y'all pls continue commenting, voting and supporting me. Love you ❤️.

Jisoo P.O.V

"Ok girls, get ready to fight!" I said
"Wait..." Rosè said
"What is it?" I asked her concerned
"He might have bodyguards but we are only 4 people!" Rosè said

"No, that is not the truth!" I said
"What do you mean??" Rosè asked
"Just wait and watch babe." I said smiling

Taehyung P.O.V

"It is already 10:00? Where is aunty?" Nayeon asked me
"Her Job..she might be busy." I said
"But she should be home..." Nayeon said
"By 8," she added

"Sorry, I really don't know where she is. You should sleep for now." I said
"Ok TaeTae. Tell her that I love her. I tell that to her every night but she is not here today. After my mom, I love her the most" Nayeon said. She is so innocent 😇.

"Ok, I will tell her that you love her ok? Now sleep. Tomorrow you have school right?" I asked
"Yes..." she said
"Then be a good baby and sleep now." I said
"Ok, I will sleep!" Nayeon said
"Good night TaeTae!" she said

"Good night baby." I said kissing her forehead. She made me a finger heart and went to sleep.
"I will not sleep till she is home..." I told myself and sat on the sofa just thinking about life. I messaged her once again...
Taehyung: Hey! Where are you??

Jisoo P.O.V

I am worried about Nayeon but I am pretty sure Taehyung will take good care of my baby. The girls had got out the car and I received another message from tae and replied to it.

Babysitter : Hey! Where are you??

Jisoo : Hey! I will be home late. Please sleep and make Nayeon sleep too.

Babysitter : But where are you?

Jisoo : Have some work. Have to go, bye!

Babysitter: But-

Jisoo - No buts and ifs, bye.

Babysitter - Bye I guess-

"Come on Jisoo" said Jennie.
As soon as we reached the place all the fighting started. Gunshots, people screaming.

Oh god! This all happens every day. Rosè and Jimin were fighting and I pushed Rosè by mistake and she fell on jimin. She quickly got up and I saw her turn bright red in color. She fixed her dress when Jimin fixed his coat.

"Now I know a secret of yours!" I whispered in  Rosè's ear and smirked.
"Unnieee!!!" She said screaming in my ear.
"Continue fighting!" I said as Rosè continued fighting. I came across Jin and twisted his hand and put him on the ground and sat on him with my gun right on his forehead.

"Look who is about to lose the game!" I said
"You wouldn't kill me." he said smirking
"I wish I could..." I said as I hit his forehead by the back of my gun.

That is when 10 bodyguards came with their gun aimed on me. I threw my gun on the ground and all my assistants saw this and put their hands up along with me.

"I really wish you had bodyguards" Jin said as he fixed his black coat.
"Look now babygirl, who is gonna lose?" Jin added
"Aww I really wish you had bodyguards too..." I said
"What do you mean??"

I snapped my fingers twice and a bodyguard came out of the ten and stood behind me and Jennie, Rosè and Lisa with a gun aimed on Jin.
"One bodyguard does not change anything." Jin said smiling

Don't forget to vote ✨

*Word Count - 671*

Lots of Love ❤️

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