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Taehyung P.O.V

"Ok now Jungkook, this is Jisoo, my girlfriend!" I said. I saw Jungkook giving Jisoo a death glare and Jisoo doing the same.
"You guys have to stop looking at each other like that!" I said and they both looked at me.
"He is your friend?!?" Jisoo asked

"She is your girlfriend?" Jungkook asked pointing at Jisoo.
"Yes he is my friend and she is my girlfriend." I said and they both were staring at me.
"You have a bad choice in girls." Jungkook said resting himself on the sofa.

"Yah! I will kill you and you won't even know! Don't talk about taehyung like that! Talk bad about me if you want!" Jisoo said. Aww.
"Ok now both of you stop!" I said and they both shut up finally.

"Introduce yourselves." I said
"Hi, I am jungkook and I am 23 years old." Jungkook said and I looked at Jisoo.
"Hi, I am Jisoo and I am 24 years old." Jisoo said

"Ok now-" I was about to say something when Jisoo cut me off.
"Looks like Mr.Jungkook does not know how to respect his elders!" Jisoo said
"Ya right!" Jungkook said not bothered about what Jisoo said.

"Yah! Respect me, I am 24 years old. A year older than you!!" Jisoo said
"Not even my dead body will respect you!" Jungkook said
"Ssssssttttttttttttoooooooooooooooooopppppppppppppppppp!!!!!" I screamed this time.

"I'm sorry." Jisoo said
"Sorry." Jungkook said
"Stop fighting for once. Now you are saying sorry but a second later you will fight yet again!" I said

"Okay" Jisoo said and jungkook nodded.
"Now talk to each other in a calm way and I will drink water and come," I said and got up. I reached the kitchen and heard both of them fighting, yet again. Why am I surprised again?

"Oh I am waayyy better than you!" Jisoo said
"Shut up! People like you know how to lie perfectly!" Jungkook said
"Oh, I know how to lie and how to kill too!" Jisoo said

"Your killing skills don't scare me, I know karate!" Jungkook said
"Haha your so called karate don't work during sleep." Jisoo said
"Shut up!" Jungkook said

"Respect!!" Jisoo said
"Sssttttooooppppppp nowwwwww please for onceeeee" I screamed at the top of my voice and stood there. Now their eyes were innocent which were spitting fire a second ago.
"Please." I said and sat on my sofa again.

"Ok, Jungkook I am sorry to speak to you like that..." Jisoo said apologizing from the bottom of her heart and Jungkook did just the same.
"Thank you." I said.
"Now hug each other!" I said and they hugged each other

"So do you like Jisoo, jungkook?" I asked Jungkook.
"Eh not bad." Jungkook said
"And you Jisoo, Do you like Jungkook??" I asked Jisoo.

"He is lovely!" Jisoo said smiling and Jungkook was clearly shocked by her answer.
"I clearly like everyone who fights for themselves." Jisoo said smiling.
"Awww!!" Jungkook cooed.

"Ok now what will you call jungkook? Jisoo" I asked Jisoo.
"Bunny!" Jisoo replied
"And you Jungkook?" I asked Jungkook

"Carrot." Jungkook said
"Yah!" Jisoo shouted
"No fighting!" I said

"So what would you like to eat for lunch, guys?" Jisoo asked
"Uhh Banana milk and some strawberries and banana milk and lastly 3 cookies" Jungkook said
"Wow, what a choice!" I said

"Don't listen to this Idiot." I said Jisoo
"For sure, I think chicken will do!" Jisoo said
"Fine chicken it is." I said

"Is that okay jungkook?" I asked him
"Sure." He replied. The cat and dog patched up so quick.

Jisoo P.O.V

"Ok guys chicken is ready!" I said and by the way Nayeon had already come home as Taehyung bought her.
"Yayaayayaayayyaayyayaayayayayayaay!!" Nayeon shouted and I smiled. We all sat on the dining table.
"Ok guys, now I am not a very good cook-" I was about to say something when Taehyung cut me off.

"Shut up! You're a wonderful cook" He said
"Aww thanks!" I said
"Dive in." I said and they all took the food on their plate.
"Mmmm thvis vis vovely!" Jungkook said with food in his mouth.

"No speaking with food in your mouth. Thanks!" I said smiling.
"Swoowwyy..." Jungkook said with food in his mouth. He is just like Jennie, she does the same.
"Yah!" I shouted

"No speaking with food in your mouth!" I said strictly
"Chill." Taehyung said
"BTW the food is delicious!" he said smiling.

"Thanks!" I said
"Oh this is what you call real food." Nayeon said to herself. But we all heard it.
"Yum yum!" she said to me smiling and I smiled back. I tasted the food myself. Hmm not bad, actually pretty good. Why? Because it is my mother's recipe.

"I love Jisoo!" Jungkook said
"Perfect for you." Jungkook added
"Thanks boyfriend!" Taehyung said

"Cute." I said. I messed up, I was supposed to just think that but I said it out loud.
"Uhh do you really think that?" Taehyung asked
"Eh I take my words back!" I said

"Rude." Nayeon said
"Sorry ms.Nayeon and Mr.Taehyung and Jungkook." I said smiling.
"Eh it's fineeeeeeee!" Taehyung said.

Jungkook was sleeping with us today so Jungkook and Nayeon were in one room and I and Taehyung in the other.
"So I will sleep on the sofa and you can sleep on the bed." I said smiling
"No no both of us on the bed!" Taehyung said

"Uhh if you feel that is fine..." I said
"That is fine with me!" he said
"Is it fine with you?" He asked

"Yep." I said and we both jumped on the bed. Me on the right, Taehyung on the left.
"Jisoo let's sleep!" he said and was 3/4 in sleep after that statement.
"Jisoo never leave me alone, I love you. Good night." Taehyung said and drift to sleep.

"I will die but won't leave you. Good night!" I said smiling and he suddenly hugged me.
"I'm not asleep." he said
"You-" "Forget it." I said smiling

"Good night!" I said
"Good night darling!" he said and went to sleep.

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Ok guys you are now almost at the end of the story! We are going to have a mega time skip for 1 year that is starting from the next chapter. The next chapter the epilogue, now extra parts! Woah! Nice, to see you! Bye for now. Lots of love ❤️ and Bubbles!!!

**Word count-1078 words**

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