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Taehyung P.O.V

"I called him here!" miss Jisoo said
"Omg I am so sorry. I thought Jisoo did not know about you and you came her to steal something." Jennie said
"I am not a thief!" I said

"Come here Taehyung..." Jisoo said as she took me up to her room.
As she got inside her room she opened a secret little room which led us to another house . It was as big as her house. A house with another one. 1 + 1 free. Wow. As soon as we got inside I was lost looking around, she held my wrist tighter and dragged me to another room. She took me to a room and it was sky blue in color. My mouth was open a bit too wide. I was shocked, I mean anyone would be.

"Close your mouth or a bee will go inside!" she said rolling her eyes to which I closed my mouth.
"There is nothing to be shocked..." she said as she put some medicine on the cotton and put it on my cut.
"Ow it hurts!" I said making a hurt face

"It will disinfect and then it won't hurt, heard of science ? " she asked and cleaned my cut.
"All done." She said as she pressed the bandage to make it stick properly.
"Thanks." I said

"Your welcome." she said. Now I know, you should never judge your enemy. No, your friend ever. She is more of my friend after how she helped me.
"And JISOO - 2 TAEHYUNG - 0" she said as she got up the chair.

"How?" I asked
"You did get scared when you called Jennie, didn't you?" she said looking at me
"Yes, I did." I said
"Perfect because I called her." She said as she held my wrist and took me back to the normal house.

As soon as we got out "I am so sorry, I really did not mean to do that!!" said Jennie
"It is totally fine." I said smiling
"When are you gonna pay for it?" she said

"Jennie!!" Jisoo said looking at her with wide eyes
"Just kidding." Jennie said to which I smiled
"Anyways I have something for you." Jisoo said looking at both of us
"What?" We both asked together

"Sit on the sofa downstairs, I will give it to you." she said
"Ok!" we both said smiling and waited downstairs
"I am back!" Jisoo said as she came down the stairs

"Jennie, here you go..." she said as she handed Jennie the Gucci limited edition coat. The one I spilled coffee on. Sheesh- makes me feel so guilty.

"Just as I promised." Jisoo added
"What no! Is this a dream?!?" Jennie asked shocked
"Should I pinch you?" Jisoo asked
"No thank you, even if a dream. I do not want to lose it." Jennie said smiling with her gums showing. She was cute.

"And here the Versace perfume you really wanted." Jisoo said as she handed Jennie the Versace perfume.
"Jisoo why so much for me??" Jennie asked
"Cause I love you!" Jisoo said
"Jensoo is a perfect ship name." Jennie said smiling.

"Ya-ah" Jisoo  said.
"And Taehyung," she said.
"Yes?" I replied.
"Umm first you promise me something..." Jisoo said.

"What?" I asked.
"You have to accept the gift." Jisoo said.
"No, I will not accept it." I said jokingly.
"No, you will accept it!" she said giving me a death glare.

"Since you are so cute ok." I said smiling.
"Yah! Shut up. I am dangerous not cute!" she said.
"Ok dangerous." I said.
"Here your gift!!" she (Jisoo) said handing me a Roger Dubuis (One of the most expensive watch in the world).

"No I can't take this" I said.
"You promised..." she said.
"I can't. Give it to someone who matters more than me. Give it to your dad!" I said.

"I don't have a dad." she said looking down.
"And you matter. Take this and promise you will take good care of Nayeon, cuz she costs way more than this!!" she said.
"What do you pay me for?" I asked.
"For taking care of Nayeon duh!" She said.

"Then I will take good care of her" I said.
"Be quiet and take it or I will throw it in the bin" she said.
"No no do not throw it in the bin." I said.

"Fine then either you take it or the bin gets it" she said.
"Yah!" I shouted.
"Take it, stop all this drama" Jennie said.
"Ok I accept it" I said to which Jisoo made me wear it happily.

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*Word Count - 776*
Lots of Love ❤️

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