Chapter 71

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Tord beat the others to the table and shoveled the sizzling bacon on his plate. Edd scowled at him. Tord stuck his tongue at the green pajama-wearing Brit.

"Thank you Mrs. Gold!"

Tord chirped as the others murmured in agreement tiredly. Mr. Gold walked into the kitchen and walked to the coffee pot kissing Edd's and his wife's heads on the way to it.

"Good morning darling."

Mr. Gold hummed in response and drank some of the boiling coffee. His pinky stuck out delicately.

The boys finished scarfing down food less tired than before.

"So when are we gonna open presents?"

Matt asked after setting his plate and silverware in the sink.

Edd snapped.

"That's what I'm forgetting!"

Edd put his plate in the sink and dashed up the stairs. He came down with colorfully wrapped boxes in his arms.

"I got everybody a present this year!"

Edd dumped the gifts on the now clear table and sat down.

The boys simply stared at the gifts.

"Well? Open them!"

The boys reached out for a present each and after a while or coordinated swapping each of the boys had their gift from Edd.

"Alright, so how about we go in a circle clockwise starting with Matt?"

"Sounds good to me!"

Matt ripped into the wrapping paper to find a small purple hand mirror and a framed photo of himself.

Tord was next so he opened his gift to see a gift card for hot topic and a high quality pencil sharpener since Tord always complained about his pencils being dull.


Tom opened his gift seeming cautious. He frowned for a moment at a set of guitar strings but smiled at the checkered bracelets.

"Edd you shouldn't have."

"Too late I already did."

The boys chuckled for a while and Tord looked at the wall clock.

"Well I should head home, mum's expecting me."

Tord stood from the table.

"Do you want me to walk you home?"

Tom asked also rising to his feet.

"Why not?" Tord shrugged and went to grab his winter coat.

Tord and Tom waved goodbye to the others and stepped out of the house. A cold wind blew in Tord's face making him shiver so he entwined his cold fingers with Tom's even colder hands.

They walked quietly down the street enjoying the pristine silence of the snowy day. Upon arriving at Tord's home Tord remembered that he had got Tom a gift as well.

"Wait, hold on, I got you a gift too. Stay here."

Tord slipped into the house and searched for Tom's gift. Once finding it Tord ran outside again to see Tom still waiting for him and not long gone or walking away.

"First Tom I want to thank you for being so wonderful, I know you're not a big fan of Christmas so you being with the guys and me really makes me happy."

Tom smiled softly at Tord's words.

"And second I wanted to give you this." Tord pushes the bass into Tom's hands.

"I noticed that Susan seemed to be missing and I know you wouldn't just leave her with Malone. So I got you a bass guitar. I know it'll never be Susan, but..."

Tord trailed off. Tom hugged him tightly.

"It's perfect, thank you."

Tord laid his head on Tom's shoulder and sighed happily.

"Do you think we could go on a date next week?" Tord mumbled from Tom's shoulder.

"Yeah, I've got time Commie. Now go get some sleep you look exhausted." Tom kissed his cheek and disentangled himself from Tord before waving and walking away. Tord waved in response and headed into his warm home.

Tord took off his heavy winter jacket and the knit sweater made by Edd. Tord opened his mother's door gently to see her deep in slumber. He closed the door and headed to his room. Changing into warm fuzzy pajamas and snuggling into his multiple fluffy blankets Tord felt his eyes droop and close. 

A Song of Two Hearts [A TomTord Highschool AU]Where stories live. Discover now