Chapter 32

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The first thing Tom noticed when he entered the lunch room was that Tord wasn't sitting at his normal table. In fact, Tom couldn't find Tord. So for the first couple of minutes during lunch he stood in the corner, scanning the room for his favorite person--though he would never admit it. A loud female voice erupted from the opposite side of the room, attracting his attention. Tom looked to find the source of the voice energetically pointing towards the very boy he was looking for.

Tom quickly made his way across the crowded room, zoning in on his target. He sat down next to the surprised boy.

"Hey, Commie."


Tom didn't pack his lunch, so he just silently sat next to Tord.

"You gonna eat?"

"Nah, not feeling hungry."

Tord ripped his sandwich in half.


"You don't have to."

"I know."

Tom carefully accepted the sandwich and started to take small bites out of it. He had lost a lot of weight since moving away from his step dad. A shrill voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Ooooo, Tord who is this?"

"This is Tom, a childhood friend."

"Yeah, 'friend.'" She made sure to make the air quotes obvious. Tord gave her a not-so-subtle glare and Tom felt his cheeks heat up slightly.

"So, who are you."

"I'm Mina, but you can call me Mighty Empress."

"Lame." Tom had an inkling feeling that he was going to like this girl.

They continued on for the rest of lunch. The conversations were strange, and Mina routinely threw in random hints at Tord and Tom's feelings. Honestly, this was the most fun he'd had at lunch in a while. And Tord being close to him made it even better.

The loud bell rang across the campus, signalling the end of the school day. Tom had to immediately go to work, so he quickly made his way to the starbucks, which was about a 30 minute walk. He then put on the apron he was expected to wear and started his day at work. Adam shared Monday shifts with him, and he was a big help. Adam was slightly distant, but Tom took no mind. They spent the hours working together efficiently, moving in sync around the small kitchen area.

They got off of work, and decided to trade numbers. Tom had no idea what he would do with this new information, but he accepted it. Adam was put into his phone as 'the coffee boi' and Adam put Tom into his phone as 'white chocolate frap'. Which Tom didn't find amusing, but Adam was laughing at. They said their goodbyes and headed out in opposite directions.

Tom was welcomed into his home with the same acidic scent as alcohol, which wouldn't really be a surprise considering his new favorite pastime. He felt exhausted and fell down on his bed, completely ready to pass out. His final thought was that he had to get his school bag from Mr. Sea's house some time. 

A Song of Two Hearts [A TomTord Highschool AU]Where stories live. Discover now