Chapter 80

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Tom woke up being pushed out of bed. A disheveled looking Tord was staring wildly at Tom, who was now groaning on the floor.

"What the FUCK man."

"Who are you."

Tom quickly glanced at the knife in Tord's hand and took a shaky breath. He slowly got up. And backed up against the wall, picking to be cautious.

"You should know that already. You were literally kissing me last night."

Tom saw a light blush rise to his boyfriends cheeks.

"But you can't be here."

"Well I am." Tom casually shrugged and moved closer to the still confused Tord.

"But you can't be."
"Babe you are just repeating yourself."

Tom advanced closer and grabbed the hand that held the knife. After a while Tord seemed to relax, and moved the knife back under his pillow. He then moved to look at Tom.

"So what happened."

"I broke in to see you. Now what's with the knife."

"Oh you know, everyone here is out to get me. Some think I'm in the way of my father, and others think if they kill me then my dad will make them the heir to the base. And I kinda don't wanna die."

"Let me be your bodyguard."

"What, no. You could get hurt."

"Fuck that, my boyfriend might be killed in his sleep. Let me protect you. Or I'll break into the camp again."

Tord thought about it for a moment and finally sighed. "Fine. But you need basic training."

Tom gave a soft nod before pulling Tord into a tight hug.

"Can you please put on a shirt?"


Tord blushed a tad and pulled away from the hug.

"Well it's your choice to walk around shirtless at camp. But you might wanna change out of your dino pjs."

"Why would I wanna do that," Tom struck a pose. "The whole world deserves to see these."

Tord simply turned around and threw a pair of uniform pants at Tom.

"Get dressed. It's time you get to work."
Tom stripped there, changing in to the surprisingly comfy black pants. They felt soft and were made of a flexible material. But he still took a pass on wearing the shirt. It was too hot and Tord was too flustered to wear it.

Tom was surprised to see so many people at the base. He knew this was a high up organization, but he never knew how high. Now he had an idea. Even with their leader sick in the base's hospital everyone seemed to be training insanely hard. And he almost felt intimidated. Almost. But the hand that kept brushing against his reminded him he wasn't alone in this, and he wasn't an enemy.

Tord continued walking, his posture looked uncomfortably straight and his eyes seemed cold. But Tom decided not to talk about it until they were alone. He followed along in his slouching posture, which seemed to cause eyes of disappointment. And an opposite reaction seemed to be caused by his uncovered abs. He was a mix of flattered and embarrassed.

Tord finally stopped in a large facility that was very vacant. Tom guessed it was a building for only the higher ups, so common soldiers weren't ever let in.

"First we need to gauge your actual skills. I personally don't know them so we are gonna use some simulations to figure it out."

Tom nodded and moved to the center of the room.

"Wait here." Tord disapparead up some stairs that lay in the corner of the room. And although Tom couldn't see him he could hear Tord's voice over the speakers in the room.

"Where'd you go?" He announced loudly.

"In the observation room to run the simulations. Hang tight, I'll explain this in a bit."

Tom sat on the floor and waited. The room only had white paneling everywhere, and the ceiling had blue lights that gave the room a robotic tint.

Suddenly Tom heard a warping sound, and saw an orange colored hologram rushing at him. He had no time to think, and his body immediately lurched up. He dodged it's oncoming fist and returned with a devastating blow. And Tom had never felt anything weirder. His hand visibly moved through the hologram with ease, but it left a small sensation on his hand that he couldn't describe. The hologram burst into pixels and disappeared.

"What kinda hard core technology does this place have? I mean god damn that was cool."

Tom heard Tord's soft laugh over the com before he cleared his threat.

"Sorry I didn't explain anything, just needed to test your reflexes. Anyway, the next test is your ability to problem solve. Stand where the X on the floor is. Okay, good. Now, hold for it second."

Suddenly the room around him went dark. Tom saw and heard nothing, and he felt alone. But he decided to ignore that and continue with the trials.

"Alright there is a maze around you, if you touch any of the walls it'll shock you with quite a few volts so be careful. I've shut down your ability to see by turning off the lights and enemies are lurking around. If you want a weapon there is a sword next to you on the right and a gun on the left. The gun has a mag with 30 bullets so keep that in mind."

"Can I take both?"


"Alrighty, start whenever."

A sudden loud beep filled the room, and Tom could hear mechanical beeps in the distance. He took a deep breath and moved slowly one foot at a time. At first he moved forward. But then he heard a loud clunk. He immediately swung his sword at it.

"Twelve enemies remaining, 13 seconds have progressed." Said a robotic female voice.

"Twelve!? What the fuck Tord, that's exhausting." Tom got no response so he continued on his own. 

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