Chapter 15

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The walk back from the park was comfortably quiet, but it was freezing. Tord was wearing an admittedly heavy dress, but it still didn't keep his teeth from chattering and his hands off his arms.

"You ok?"

"I'm fine Tom."

"Suuuurrre, I'm not buying that Commie."

Tom pulled off his warm sweater and handed it to Tord.

"You really don't need to do this Tom...."

"Hey it's the least I can do for you, you've done so much for me tonight."

Tord sighed in defeat and pulled the sweater over his head. It was incredibly warm and smelled lovely.

Not laundry lovely, teen musk lovely. Tord pulled the strings taut and blushed darkly.

When they arrived at the Larrison residence Tord knocked on the door. There were no sounds of movement from inside. Tord jiggled the doorknob but was unable to open it. He let out a mumble of 'stupid lock' and bent over to grab the spare key under the doormat. Tom took a small step back and took a loud gulp. Tord rose up and shoved the key in the lock twisting it and opening the door. He stepped inside and took his shoes off, Tom doing the same.

"I'm gonna go change, take a seat for a bit. Mom will be home soon."

Tord walked over to his room and closed the door. He pulled off the amazingly warm sweater from Tom and set it carefully on his bed. Then he got to the hard part, taking off the dress. As previously mentioned the dress was heavy so he couldn't pull it over his head. So he got to work at pulling down the zipper. He was facing away from the door when he heard a creak. He turned around to see a mostly closed door. He paid this no mind and continued to work off the dress.

Finally free of the dress he slipped on a light shirt and some fluffy pants.

He looked around in his drawer for something large enough for Tom.

It took him such a long while, that by the time he got back Tom was chatting softly with Trisha, a tint of red on his face as he let out a chuckle.

"Hey, guys."

"Hi, darling."

Tom gave a small wave and a light smile. Tord sat down on the couch next to Tom and handed him the spare clothes.

"Sorry if they don't fit you." Tord looked away from Tom as he said this.

"Thanks, Commie."

"So Tord, where is Tom going to sleep?" Trisha asked; the boys answered simultaneously

"On my bed."

"On the couch."

The boys looked at each other and thought about the differing answers.

Tord was the first to break the silence,

"Oh hell no, you're my guest I'm giving you the bed."

Tom frowned angrily and countered with,

"You've done enough for me tonight, let me at least let you have this."

"No! You're sleeping in my bed whether you like it or not!"

"Boys stop fighting, I'll just sleep on the couch!"

"No!" Both of the boys yelled.

"If you can't make up your minds then just share the damn bed!" 

A Song of Two Hearts [A TomTord Highschool AU]Where stories live. Discover now