Chapter 21

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Tord walked to hangout spot much slower than usual. Matt spotted him and waved excitedly. Tord waved back weakly and walked over.

Edd and Matt's' smiles faltered as they saw Tord's expression up close.

"You ok, man?"

Edd asked worriedly.

"Yea, have you seen Tom yet? I need to talk to him."

Matt looked down and pushed his index fingers together,

"Can't say that I have bud."

Tord's anxiety flared at this.

"Do you think he's mad at me? He probably is. It was so stupid to think he'd be ok with me being around him, he hates me after all." Tord's grip on his upper arms tightened as he struggled to breathe.

He was wrapped in a hug by Edd and Matt.

"Shhh, it's ok Tord, count to twenty."

Edd whispered soothingly, Tord followed his directions and started counting.

When Tord had cooled from his meltdown Edd and Matt exited from the hug and gave Tord space.

Tord smiled, shaky from the meltdown and gave a thumbs up to the boys.

The bell rang making Tord flinch.

He walked off to his first period.

The chorus room was loud. It stressed Tord out, his mind was already buzzing, any louder and he'd drown in the sound.

"Alright ladies settle down!"

Tord thanked the lord, for Mr. Talonson had stopped the deafening chatter.

"I need to work on grading your music theory tests, so stay in your seats."

The sound of breaking glass jolted Tord out of his head. He looked around until he spotted a logo on the projector.

The Phantom of The Opera

Royal Albert hall 25th anniversary.

Loud symphony music blared and the projector showed scenes of a gorgeous chandelier, a man in black with a half mask and people dancing. Mr Talonson pressed play and the show began.

Tord couldn't keep his eyes off the performers on the screen, they were amazing. The whole class was in awe of the perfection, until it paused as a voice like an angel was heard. Everyone in the audience groaned at not being able to see more. Tord was ecstatic to see more. He headed to lunch feeling better than before entering the choir room.

Tord walked home feeling happy until he remembered what would happen that night. His spirits fell as he walked through the front door. His mother already had dinner on the table. Tord set down his backpack at the door and sat at the table.

After dinner he headed to his room to change and get everything ready. He opened up his closet and took out the navy blue overcoat, it's color dull from age. He pulled it on and picked up his bag.

He walked out the living room. His mother waited there stoney eyed, it was her most identifiable trait when she worked on base. It stirred worry, yet beckoned the strong. It was intriguing, Tord had her eyes. Whenever he went on base people immediately knew he was Trisha's son if he wore that expression.

"How long till sunset?"

"2 hours 30 minutes, sir."

Tord looked at his mother, her straight posture, the cold eyes, her cat like hair horns, a darker caramel than his. It was no wonder his father took advantage of her, she was a jewel. This thought made him sick for a moment. It cleared and he walked up to his mother. He stood on his tiptoes and kissed her forehead.

"I'll come home safe, mama."

With that he walked to the meeting place, a spot in the abandoned run down part of town halfway between home and the base.

When he arrived there he found two privates waiting by a car. He straightened his posture and strode over his eyes cold and cloudy.

The privates saluted and stood at attention.

"At ease soldiers."

The taller of the two young privates spoke up, "Mr. Larrison, sir! I am private Patryk!"

The shorter one barked out, "Private Paul, sir!"

"Thank you soldiers, let's go. Red leader will be expecting us."

"Yes sir!" The boys opened the door of the car. Tord stepped in, not halting in his posture and gaze. Staying firm. He knew his father would hit him for every second he wasn't the perfect soldier. The car started moving.

This would be a long weekend.

A Song of Two Hearts [A TomTord Highschool AU]Where stories live. Discover now