Chapter 1

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"...Don't do any drugs, or have sex or beat up anyone."

"Yes mom," the horned male stepped out of the car with a dull, irritated expression. 

"Oh! And Tord...." 


"I love you."

With that the small, red car carrying the best woman Tord Larrison had ever known rolled away. Tord gave a soft smile and sighed, starting to head into the grounds of the smallish British middle school.

He had arrived early at the school to avoid as much preaching from his mother. He loved her, but man she hovered him, he could finally take a breath and think. A soft ping erupted from Tord's phone.

Tord sighed and dug his hand into the front pocket of his backpack pulling out his phone.

Edd: Hey! Anyone on campus yet? My parents dropped me off super early. I wanna see if we have any classes together!

Tord: I'm on campus, just arrived, where are you?

Edd: The back entrance of the caf there's thi s awesome spot for hanging out.

Tom: Why do you guys had to barrage me with texts when I just got up.

Tord: Do you really sleep that long?

Tom: what the hell does that mean?

Tord: You said you went to sleep at like 6 and it's 8 rn, that's like 11 hours. I though you said last week that you sleep like 5 hours on average a night. 

Edd: Guys! Stop fighting in the chat and get over here!r

Tord stuffed his phone in his pocket as he spotted the cola-loving boy in the distance. He jogged over and yelled:

"Hey, Edd!"

"Tord! You're here! I haven't seen you in like a month!"

"It's been a week Edd... a week."

"SHHHHHH," Edd pouted and put his hand in Tord's face to silence the Norwegian.

"Oi!" Tord barked and slapped Edd's hand away.

"GUYS!" Matt shrieked as he tackled the two boys to the ground.

"Hi, Matt." Tord coughed out as he rose to his feet.

"HA, lame." Tom snickered from behind.

"When did you get here?" Tord asked dumbfounded.

"Anyways, Edd, you said you wanted to compare schedules?"

"Yeah!" Edd yelled; clearly excited. Tord bit back a remark about Tom not answering his question and opened his backpack to grab his schedule.

"I've got Math, Chorus, History, lunch, English, PE and Science." Tord recited dutifully from the page as if he hadn't read it thousands of times while avoiding his father.

"PFT. You're in chorus? What, are you gay?"

"You would know all about that, Jehovah's witness," Tord spat back as his face flushed.

After this outburst the group of boys traded info and told stories of their weeks until a loud ring interrupted them.

"Welp, gotta head off, see ya guys at lunch!" Tord said as he slung his bag over his shoulder and set out for his math class. Tord walked into the classroom with ample time and took out his materials as he knew he would need them to anchor him at the base with his father. His father was a heartless man who only desired two things: power, and sex. Tord was the result of the latter. His father treated him like dirt; like he was nothing. Tord despised the man, he was nothing to Tord but a torturer. Tord learned early on to man up and take the harsh soldier-like expectations his father gave him.

"Tord Larrison?"

"Here!" Tord responded squeakily, there were giggles around the room and Tord buried his burning face into his arms on the table and awaited the sweet release of the bell to send him to his next class.

After a slow hour of review and syllabus reading the bell rung and Tord couldn't be happier. Tord walked down the pavilion to the music building and stepped into a room that would soon be his favorite for years to come.

Tord marveled at the classroom filled with a few rowdy kids chatting, the director was a man in his forties and was engrossed in a conversation with a short boy. Tord looked up at the walls and saw the numerous posters for musicals, such as Hairspray, The King and I, Wicked, The Lion King, and one that he would forever hold dear, The Phantom of the Opera. Tord sat down in a seat in the front and twiddled his thumbs nervously. The bell rang after a few minutes of the seats filling up. The director stood up and spoke:

"Hello there! I'm Mr. Talonson, your director. I'll just take roll and we'll start with placing you into your voice parts." Mr. Talonson smiled and started to call out roll, Tord was called without a squeak like before thankfully and Mr. Talonson passed out sheets of paper down the rows.

"Write your name on the line, and circle period 2." Tord quickly filled out the sheet and passed it to the student closer to the split between the rows of chairs.

After the papers were collected, Mr. Talonson sat down at the piano and shuffled the sheets for a bit. He pulled one out and read the name off, "Nico, let's start off with you." A boy shuffled down to the piano and Mr. Talonson played a short run for him to follow, the boy sang from the depths of his range to the top, then was sent back to sit down. Mr. Talonson pulled another slip and did the same for the next boy who shook as he stepped down. After the boy sang Mr. Talonson said in a joking manner, "See, you didn't explode." This earned a few weak chuckles and Mr. Talonson frowned.


Tord stood from his seat and walked to the piano. Mr. Talonson played a low note, Tord cringed and said "I can't sing that low sir." Mr. Talonson gave a smile and played a slightly higher note. Tord responded with,

"Um, up a few more octaves...." Mr. Talonson played a much higher note that Tord could just barely reach. Tord sang higher and higher going far past the ranges of any of the other boys.

Mr. Talonson said, "Tord, I think you would be a wonderful asset to the junior girls' choir, you have the most lovely soprano voice I've heard since Miss Dopolous." Tord thought for a moment about how he stood out from the rest of the choir. He finally said "I'll take your offer, sir."

Mr. Talonson beamed and sent Tord to his seat.

A Song of Two Hearts [A TomTord Highschool AU]Where stories live. Discover now