Chapter 115

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Tord was having a rotten day. He had struggled with understanding concepts in his math class, fought with Tom at lunch detention, and all throughout the only bearable class Emily had tossed things at him, ranging from pebbles to paper and even a ball of gum. Then Tord had to run outside in the unusually warm air. So by the end of the day he was absolutely pissed. He wasn't mad at Tom anymore, after all he had lots of time to think about what he said. It made sense that Tom took such a liking to fighting, but Tord had to also realize that he wasn't on base anymore he wasn't the closest thing to being in charge. And he wasn't Tom's superior. So Tord, exhausted and irritated, headed to the Starbucks. Even if he couldn't talk to Tom he could at least see him. And that was enough to lift his spirits every so slightly.

Once at home Tord explained his predicament to his mother who simply nodded in understanding.

"Well darling, remember the fight you had before you left for the base? But he cooled down remember?"

"Yeah because I ran to cry at his feet and insulted myself until he forgave me. But it was hesitant."

"Why don't you pop over after dinner to apologize. Or write a note?"

"Wonderful idea Mama. Now how was your day?"

The evening went on, and after dinner Tord decided he could do one better than apologizing so he threw together a nice, but still warm outfit and headed out after waving goodbye to his mother.

Tord fiddled with his ring while he waited patiently at the flower shop front door. He had already knocked and could hear the shuffle of feet inside.

Mrs. Laila opened up the door. Stating a "I'm sorry, but we're closed."

She looked down at Tord let out a surprised "Oh!" Of realization.

"Are you here to see Tom dearie?"

"Yes ma'am, I need to apologize, I was awfully selfish today."

Mrs. Laila raised an eyebrow but cleared the way for Tord to enter the shop before she yelled.

"Tom, you've got a visitor!"

Tord could hear a small groan and a shuffle sound only produced by socks and wood flooring. Tom appeared in the stairway with a look of annoyance and way more bruises than when Tord last saw his boyfriend.

"Shit, you alright?"

"I'm fine."

Tom hissed, clearly still bitter.

Tord pushed aside his worry at making Tom further upset with him, and held the sides of his bruised face.

"Are you certain?"

Tom jerked back and responded coldly.

"Yes, and why are you even here?"

"Well I came to apologize. I should have known that it's not place to dictate what you can and can't do. I'm not your superior, I'm your boyfriend. And I'm sorry. I just got worried, I don't want you to be in danger's way."

Tord took a breath and continued.

"And so I'm here to say I'm ever so sorry."

Tom seemed to take it in for a moment. The silence made Tord fidgety and antsy.

"And if you're willing to forgive me, maybe we can go on a date? I do owe from Christmas. So what do you say?"

Tord smiled nervously as Tom stood in thought.

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