Chapter 48

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"Bring bring bitch, why'd ya ditch?"

"Did you happen to look at the time?"

"No, why?"

"Just look at a clock."

Tom was currently at the clock by his bed, a bright 12:30 am plastered on it. As much as he enjoyed Tord sleeping on him he could only sit in that car for 3 hours. So as soon as it was 12:00 he got up, making sure to lay Tord against his window so he wouldn't just collapse. Though he still understood why Tord was mad.

"Why didn't you wake me up?"
"I don't know, you look like you were enjoying your nap."

"Alright, well bye."


Tom hung up and laid down on his bed. He didn't really feel like sleeping, and his mind kept drifting to the idea of going to a party. That stuff wasn't really his cup of cola, and he didn't know why he agreed. Maybe it was because Tord had asked, whose to know?

The next morning Tom woke to the sound of his alarm, and begrudgingly got out of bed. For some reason his sleep hadn't been very good. Regardless he started to get dressed and head out to the school he hated. Honestly if he started ditching nobody would probably care, but if he was ever gonna become more than a Starbucks barista he'd have to continue pursuing his education.

For some reason Tom started noticing stares that drifted his way. He always knew he was an outcast, but normally people just ignore him. He had no clue as to why all these people suddenly had an interest in his existence. He almost felt like listening in to understand why. Almost.

Instead Tom headed to his Math class. For some reason he didn't feel like dealing with the energetic wackos he called friends.

The day was overall slow, he didn't really do much. And he was starting to get used to the staring, though the cause was unknown. Probably a rumor or something along those lines.

Tom had just been hanging out at the cafe until the time of the party, he didn't want to be alone and didn't want to interact with anyone so this felt like a good place to be. But once it was seven Tom started to head over to the Party.

When Tom saw the monstrosity that people call 'a party'--which he called 'social hour for the antisocial'-- he immediately wanted to leave. Every vessel of his being was screaming to get out of there. Until his nose and eyes caught onto alcohol. He hadn't been drinking recently since he had been saving up money, and here was free booze. It was calling to him. So he immediately entered the house, regardless of his prior fear. Tom didn't get a cup, he simply grabbed a bottle of vodka and took a quick swig of it. Tom leaned against a counter in the kitchen where the beverages were located, and drank his way to oblivion. His mind was sporadic and paranoid, and his throat permanently burned. But god did it feel good. His head didn't pound from anxiety and his hands didn't shake from fear. He felt invincible. And he liked it.

"Come here often?"

A girl about Tord's height leaned against the counter beside Tom. She had Tord's caramel hair and misty eyes, but the makeup smeared across her face took away from the whole compelling look. The only way she could become hot is if she became a man and took off the makeup. And styled her hair like horns.

"Nope, never been here."

"Well the welcome to my humble abode."

"I presume that makes you Emily."

"That does indeed."

"Sick party."

"You seem to be enjoying it."

Tom let out a soft laugh and turned to her. If he wasn't clouded with acid he probably would have noticed how close she was. Or how she was getting closer. But he didn't.

Instead they continued talking, and she continued fluttering her eyelashes like there was no tomorrow. The kitchen was getting more crowded, giving Emily to step in to Tom's personal space. A medley of people kept stealing glances, excited whispering leaving their lips. It reminded Tom of what was going on in school. Strange....

Emily stopped talking for a moment, and he turned his attention back to her. Next thing he knew it her lips were on his, in a frantic frenzy, and her hands rested on his chest. He paused for a moment, completely incapable of knowing how to respond. He then pushed her away.

"I'm gay!" He shouted. Everyone stared at him, and his face flushed more than the alcohol had already caused. Tom went to get out of the house, when he saw a horned male frantically pushing aside people to escape the crowded house.

"Commie wait up!"

Tord paused, he clearly heard Tom. But then he continued to leave, getting out and away as fast as possible. 

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