Chapter 112

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 Tom knew he would miss the heavenly warmth that was Tord's body pressed against him. So rather than disrupting their haven, Tom used his newfound muscles from training with Zero to cradle his boyfriend. Tord rolled his body closer to Tom's. And Tom carefully bridal style carried Tord to his room. When Tom got to the familiar room, he set Tord down gently on the bed. And his gut went empty from the sudden lack of warmth. He quickly worked around the room, knowing his boyfriends clothing preferences. His ears didn't fail to burn when picking out the boxers, but he kept his back to Tord to avoid ridicule. Tord was mumbling in the background about how sad he was that Tom had left him all alone. And each second his boyfriend's soft voice sadly muttered was another moment Tom sped up his packing speed. He finally finished and moved back to the bed. He allowed Tord to climb on his back and they made their way to the bathroom. Tom grabbed the toothbrush he knew as his Tord's. And then they were out the door with the black duffle.

Mrs. Laila and Tom walked side by side. And Tord rested silently, his head on his boyfriend's shoulder. They neon lights of the stores had become a comfort for Tom, and the view from his peripheral made the whole scene even better. Bright green, yellow, red, and blue lights bounced off his boyfriend's face and hair. He looked more angelic, every shadow darker and every highlight lighter. He looked like a rainbow, like something that belonged in the sky so everyone could appreciate it. And in that moment, he was very happy that Tord was his. All his.

Mrs. Laila opened the door that led to home. And Tom eagerly got inside and sprinted up the stairs. He heard the soft chuckle of Mrs. Laila behind him. Tom got to his room and carefully squatted near it to let Tord let go. Tord groaned tiredly, his eyes squinted in exhaustion.

"Hi, baby."

"Hi, Tommy."

"I packed your pajamas. Do you wanna change in the bathroom?"

Tord softly nodded, his spiked hair bobbing softly. And Tom had an almost uncontrollable urge to run his hands through it. But instead he watched Tord walkaway. And when all view of his boyfriend was gone, he started to change. He had just taken off his shirt when he heard the groggy voice of his beloved call.

"Where's the toothpaste?"

"Left highest drawer."

Tom heard shuffling and then a soft 'thank you' before he got back to changing. He hated wearing shirts when he slept so he was shuffling through his plaid pants he could wear. Tord opened the door and squeaked when he saw Tom practically nude.

"Honey chill. You've seen this much before."

Tord's face reached a level of red that Tom didn't even know existed. And he wanted everything he owned to be that shade. It was so pure and beautiful, and it wasn't until he had pulled on his pants and the color faded that Tom realized he'd get to have his boyfriend with him for the night.

Tom walked over and sat on the bed, watching it descend before looking back at Tord, who's face still had a reddish hue.

"Are you just gonna stand there?" It came out as more of a command.

"Until you put your shirt on yeah."

"I'm not putting on a shirt."

Tord walked towards the dresser and pulled out a grey tank top. Tom thought he had abandoned all his tank tops long ago. It was a bad phase, especially with the pale complexion he had at the time. Tord threw it at him and waited expectantly. Tom caught it and gave his boyfriend a teasing smirk.

"The only way I'm going to wear this is if you put it on me."

Tord's blush returned for a moment before he gulped and moved towards Tom. When he was only a couple inches away Tom yanked him into his lap. Tord gulped again, and Tom gave him the same evil smirk. Underneath this flirty exterior Tom was losing his shit. He had never done this with anyone. Let alone the love of his life. But being so close, with the fanning warmth of Tord's breath on his lips, he had never felt so right. Tord let out a soft sigh before proceeding to grab the shirt and pull it over Tom's head roughly. He then felt the fabric rub against his hair, creating static. Tord was laughing softly, and when the shirt was pulled down Tom's hair was a complete mess.

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