Chapter 36

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Tom was in his seventh period, currently staring at the wall. It was a very fascinating shade of tan, and he needed all of his energy to focus on it. But the soft buzzing against his leg in his pocket distracted him. He casually slid down in his seat, and checked his phone.

Tord: Hey Tom.

Tord: You busy tonight?

Tom paused for a moment before deciding to respond.

Tom: Well I've got my shift after school at Starbucks, but after that I should be free

Tord: Would you be willing to go to this fancy dinner celebration?

Fancy dinner celebration? Tom thought. He didn't know what to say. A basically homeless, skinny and raggidy spiky-haired teen like him didn't belong anywhere that had the word fancy in its title. He was going to say no, but his stomach growled. He was starving. If he didn't eat now, his stomach would eat itself, and he'd die of starvation. He thought for a second about his schedule as well, he did have a shift later, but after he'd be free. I mean, what else could he do with his time? He didn't even have a family. He laughed in pity towards himself for a second, making sure to quiet it considering he was still in class, and typed back:

Tom: Sure why not.

The commie oddly responded back within a couple seconds

Tord: ok, once your shift ends, head over to my house.

Tom slipped his phone into his pocket and the bell conveniently rang, symbolizing his end of hell. Tom sprung out of his seat and flung his bag over his shoulder. He then headed to the small cafe he now called his job.

After the after school rush sprung on the cafe, the day was relatively calm. He and Adam just goofed around, trying to throw chocolate chips into each other's mouths from different sides of the small kitchen area. Of course they resumed a professional air as soon as any customer came in.

Tom's shift eventually ended, and he decided to head home before going to Tord's. He smelled like absolute shit, and he did not want to present himself like that to the Commie.

After a relaxing walk Tom arrived at the run-down motel he now called home. He took his room key out and slipped it into the door, pushing it open and turning on the light. And of course, that now familiar and slightly comforting acidic smell of alcohol hit his nose. He smiled and closed the door behind him, he began to feel light headed again so he kicked his checkered shoes off and threw himself onto his bed. He promised himself he would only lay for a moment before a shower. He laid there for a few minutes until sleep took him away into darkness.

Tom felt a vibration on the side of his pants. He opened his eyes and groaned softly, his body was weak and his head was throbbing. He had probably slept hard. He then noticed that this vibration was his phone. He dipped his hand into his pockets and opened his phone to discover a medley of missed calls from Tord, as well as the time that read 7:18pm. He had overslept, though not by long. Tom decided to skip the shower, he had wasted too much time already. He quickly called Tord back while shoving his feet into his shoes. The call quickly picked up.

"I'm so sorry!"

"Where are you!?"

"I may have fallen asleep.... Do you still want me to come?"

Tord let out a deep sigh, and Tom could feel his irritation pulsing through the phone.

"Yes, just get over here. Now!"


Tom hung up the phone, shoved it into his pocket, and started sprinting to Tord's house. This run didn't feel as relaxing as the one before. The streets and sidewalks were buzzing with life, his mind was frantic, and anxiety pushed hard against his chest. He almost couldn't breathe. His legs flew over the cement. And he was there in a matter of minutes. Albeit breathy and covered in sweat. Tord opened the door.

"You look like ass." Though the hue on Tord's cheeks contradicted that.


"We gotta clean you up. Better to be even later and presentable then show up kinda late looking like that."

Tom nodded. Tord nodded his head to ask Tom to follow and headed down the hall into the bathroom.

"One moment, I gotta get you one of my tuxes."

Tom nodded and sat on the counter by the sink, waiting for Tord to return. After a couple minutes Tord came in, handed Tom the clothes, and left.

Tom started up the water, putting it at a cold temperature. He had grown accustomed to the cold ever since his step-dad started getting on his ass about 'using too much goddamn hot water' because 'a leeching bitch shouldn't take advantage of it's host.' He grabbed the soap, using it to wipe off the sweat that clung to his body. It smelled a lot like cherries and chocolate, and it reminded him of Tord. Tom then ran shampoo-covered hands through his hair, getting the dirt off his scalp. After roughly 5 minutes Tom had finished. He quickly hopped out of the shower and dried off, then grabbed the clothes on the sink and started to change. It was a navy blue suit, slightly too tight but it would have to do. A white undershirt was under the jacket. Tom looked in the mirror, quickly using a towel to dry his hair and combed it with his hands. He looked a lot better. And he smelled like Tord, so that was a plus. Though personally he thought the acid stench he had didn't combine well with it. Tom then walked out of the bathroom and met the mother and son duo at the bottom of the stairs. 

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