Chapter 96

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Tom woke up to the love of his life snuggled into his chest, and he didn't want to move. He wanted to stay in the observatory for forever with this boy. But that wasn't realistic, and Zero was probably waiting for him--if not looking for him. So Tom quietly moved out from under Tord, trying his hardest to not wake the slumbering boy.

Tom had left the observatory a couple minutes ago, and had finally made it into the familiar training facility. Zero was punching a bag in the corner, each punch cracking the bag and emitting a large snapping sound. He now noticed a silver strip of hair that contrasted the rest of her dark brown locks. And it seemed fitting. When he was about 15 feet away from her she seemed to take into notice his presence and stopped, swiftly turning around to face him. Her eyes ran over him for a second before meeting his own.

"Rough night?"

"Then why not a change of clothes? And you still have dirt on you from yesterday."
"I just didn't have a chance to change."

"Uh Huh." She gave him a suspicious look, but moved on anyway, much to Tom's relief. "So anyway, you ready to go to hell for 4 hours?"


"Oh suck it up. You'll manage. Now for warm up do 100 push ups, squats, sit-ups, and jumping jacks. Then we'll do some cardio."

Tom was about to argue, but decided against it and got to work.

Tom was currently laying on the ground in exhaustion. His vision was hazy and his mind was shutting down. A stinging sensation had filled his body from his hair to his toes, and Tom hated it. According to Zero this was just the beginning, and right now they were only focusing on hand to hand, later getting in to weapons.

Zero was sitting next to the lump of exhaustion, and was holding a cold towel to his forehead and neck.

"So who were you with last night?"

"No one."

"Tell me or I'll take away the cloths."


Tom felt his face blush, and he closed his eyes to avoid eye contact.

"I can't tell you who it is. But he has the prettiest grey eyes. They remind me of storms, cause they just look full of thunder and life and movement. And he has this caramel brown hair that smells like cherries and chocolate. I'm addicted to it."
"Is it the Red Leader's son?"

Tom paused for a moment, panic wracking through his brain. How in the hell did she figure it out? And what would happen now that she did?


"So it is. He's a nice lad. Nice one."

"Aren't you going to tell Red Leader?"

"Nah. It's obvious he was gay. Our leaders wedding plans are going to be thwarted regardless. And if I'm training you then the big man likes you. So might as well leave it be."

"Thanks, Zero."

"Anytime bro. You seem like a good kid. I'm gonna have a fun time bossing you around."

"Gee, thanks."

"Now get up, I gotta go to a meeting and I can't leave you passed out on the floor."

Tom got up slowly. He felt his shoulder pop, but didn't really pay much mind to it.

Tom collapsed on the grey floor of Tord's office. He was exhausted and wanted to be in Tord's arms, but the boy would probably be too busy from all the paperwork. Though apparently that wasn't the case. Because as soon as Tom was down Tord leaped out of his seat and pulled him into a hug on the floor. 

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