Chapter 98

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Tom was getting more and more homesick every day. The texts from Mrs. Laila wishing him well made him miss her even more. But Tord was at the base. And at the moment that was enough to convince him to stay. Anastasia had been getting more nosy whenever Tom and Tord were together. And every once in a while she would burst into Tord's room in the evening. Tom had inquired how she could get in, and Tord clarified all soldiers could get into each other's quarters.

The morning sun was rising in the distance, and the room was pitch black. Tom was awake, getting ready for his training with Zero. At the moment he was trying to pull himself away from the deathgrip Tord had on him. But in all honesty he didn't want to go. That's why he hadn't moved yet. He decided to settle back down into his cuddling position. Zero could wait a while.

Tom started to drift back into his dream, his mind was at ease and his body felt light. He was very happy to say the least. And that was ruined by his least favorite person.

"Tordy!" Came a sing songy voice from the door. Tord's eyes opened, and his face held a menacing scowl.

"Get out." Slobber was rolling down the boy's face and Tom found it adorable. He popped himself up from behind his boyfriends body and wiped away said slobber, only to discover he had outed himself.

"What the fuck did I walk into."

Tord's and Tom's eyes widened into the size of saucers, and Tom was currently stressing very badly.

"Nothing. Absolutely noth-"

"The Red Leader's son being gay."

Tom was surprised by his boyfriend's response and cold tone. Tord's voice was still groggy, and even with the dark words paired with it Tom still found it adorable. Anastasia seemed to pause by the door, her mind thinking deeply about the situation. She wasn't acting surprised, or bothered. And that disturbed Tom, she was clearly plotting.

"I won't tell the Red Leader."

"What's the catch."

"What, can't believe I'm nice?"
"No. Now what's the catch?"

"Fine, fine. Tord here is gonna give me all the power he has. No questions asked. If I want something done it gets done. Also, we keep dating."
"What no. That's unreason-"


"Stop cutting me off."
"Tom, shush. I know what I'm doing."
"I hope so."

A Song of Two Hearts [A TomTord Highschool AU]Where stories live. Discover now