Chapter 73

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Tord woke up a little after noon. He shuffled out of bed and by shuffled, he fell, right on the floor.

"Are you ok? I heard a thump."

Tord weakly put a thumbs up. Trisha bent down to help him up.

"Come on up love."

Once on his feet he hugged his mother. Trisha ran her hands through his hair as he clung to her.

"Darling I have some bad news."

Tord spotted a letter emblazoned with the red army's symbol on his desk.


Trisha looked down.

"I'm sorry Tord."

"God is he dead?"

"He's ill. I wish he was dead."

"I always knew that he did something wrong, but what did he actually do to you?"

Trisha sighed and hugged him tighter.

"I knew I'd have to tell you someday."

Trisha sat down on Tord's bed and patted the lump of blankets beside her.

"I was about 20 when I went to work at the red army. I wanted to return Norway to its former glory. But I was useless as a soldier. Couldn't even shoot straight." Trisha chuckled.

"They were going to kick me out, but I mentioned that as a part time job I worked as an accountant for a bank. They let me stay and bunked me up with a girl named Casey. Casey was a good friend, taught me how to fight and shoot."

Trisha fell silent and looked to the floor.

"Anyways they set me as red leader's secretary. I organized files and filled out needed paperwork. I also ran endless errands. He was always close to me, uncomfortably so, but he took it too far after a while. He'd make me work on his lap. I just wanted to finish my paperwork and he would breathe into my neck." Trisha shuddered.

"And then..."

Trisha furrowed her eyebrows and clenched her fists of her lap.

"He decided I'd be better as a distraction from the army. I can't even remember how many times he forced to do such unspeakable things. I never acted out because he was my leader and I knew he had a temper. Once I was pregnant with you, right after I found out, I told Casey. And she told me she was envious of me. As if she wanted to go through what I did!"

Trisha had started to tear up and yell. Tord hugged her waist and buried his face into her side. Trisha calmed down after a minute and stroked Tord's head.

"He never saw me as a person, not even as a soldier. I was just an object that belonged to him. I realized that I needed to get out. That sparked one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make. He never truly cared about your welfare. He was honestly enraged I didn't want to dispose of you. So when I said I wanted to work from a distance to keep you safe he snapped. Thank god the worst he did was beat me bloody. He could've done so much worse. Casey had already abandoned my side when I said that I was scared and held disgust for the man. It took me so long to get out of there. And I never wanted to go back. The stares never stopped. The whispers of accuse never ended. The torture never ceased."

Trisha took a breath, her grey eyes dark and stony.

"I don't want you to go back there."

Trisha held her son close, not wanting to let go.

"If you go you might not come back."

Her voice cracked and she sobbed silently into his shoulder.

"Mama it's okay I'll only be there until he recovers. I know how to protect myself."

"He's twisted and will find anyway to keep you under him. Oh god I'm so sorry Tord. This is all my fault I never should of joined the damn army!"

"Mama it's not your fault, it's his. Now do you wanna do something to make you feel better?"

Trisha nodded.

"Can we go somewhere out of town? I need to see the stars in all their true glory without the lights of man hiding them."

"Of course Mama, we can go tonight, but right now I need to read that letter."

Trisha nodded and stood from the bed to grab the letter. She handed it to her son.

"I'll be making lunch if you need me."

"Alright, love you."

Trisha stepped out of the room and Tord opened the letter. After reading it he flopped on the bed in defeat.

"So much for a date next week." 

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