Chapter 88

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Tom could feel his heartbeat in his throat. Adrenaline was coursing to his fists, and at the moment his only drive was to protect Tord. His chest was puffed up primarily for intimidation.

"Take one more step, prissy pants. I dare you."

"Fuck off you monster."

Tom's eyes hardened, and he stepped closer to the girl in front of him.

"I'm not gonna go easy just cause you are a girl."
"Regardless you'd lose."

Tom suddenly felt soft stinging on the right side of his face. And it wasn't until he noticed the movement of the girl.

"You'll have to do better than that."

When Anastasia went for another punch Tom intercepted, and grabbed her wrist. The training for hours that had happened had made him understanding fighting better, and he had background knowledge from Mr. Seas. He then quickly thrust his hand towards the ground, which flipped the girl on to her face. But soon he was on the ground as well. His arm stung a tad from the force of the ground.

Tom rolled over from the ground away from his opponent, making sure to stay in front of Tord. He then stood up and cracked his knuckles. Tord was saying opposition behind him, but he ignored it and continued to rampage fists into the girl's sides. For a moment Tom's eyes drifted to see the red leader smiling with happiness at the scene. And he felt an amount of disgust for that kind of reaction to violence.

But then he focused on his goal in this fight. To protect Tord, and that was enough for Tom to refocus. They progressed like that for a while, slamming each other's fists into their opponent's heads.

And finally after a while Anastasia collapsed on the floor. Tom's head was cloudy and he was tired. But the sickening laughter coming from the bed in the room made Tom focus.

"Thank you for the show, soldier. You are the first to make me smile in a while, son."

Tom nodded, slightly surprised by the man's words. And a glimmer of pride shone in Tom's stomach. He ignored it, reminding himself this was the man that caused numerous of Tord's emotional breakdowns. Tom then turned to his boyfriend, making sure to keep up his bodyguard act.

"Sir, let's go."

He helped Tord up, keeping a firm grip on his boyfriend's hand. And they exited the room, heading back to Tord's quarters. About halfway to the room Tord started to collapse, his eyes were closing and he kept mumbling incoherently.

"Babe, climb on my back."

"No. I-I gotta go work."

"You are about to pass out. Commie, get over here."

Tord grumbled before collapsing onto Tom's back. Tom pulled him up onto his back, and started walking to their room. Every couple steps Tord would mumble something about working, and Tom would just quietly shush him.

When they finally got to the room Tom went and got the first aid kit. He then slowly tended to Tord's wounds. The room was quiet, and neither seemed to mind it. The two boys then cuddled and went to bed.

A Song of Two Hearts [A TomTord Highschool AU]Where stories live. Discover now