Chapter 5

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Despite the laugh Tord let out at Edd's awful pun, Tord couldn't help but notice Tom smiling dreamily. Not that he was dreamy, he just looked like he was dreaming of something spectacular. Not that Tord was staring, he wasn't, but the Brit's face filled Tord will a nauseous feeling in his abdomen. Edd went quiet looking from Tord to Tom with a face deep in thought.

"Hey Tord, can I talk to you privately for a bit?"

Tord snapped out of his daze. "Huh? Oh, sure Edd."

Edd walked out of the shop with Tord in tow,

"So Edd, what do you need to talk to me about?"

"Tord, I think you're gay."


"N-now hear me out Tord, I'm not saying you are it's just what I think!"

Tord flushed at the statement and walked back inside, greeted with Tom talking to the waiter with that dreaming expression. Tord's stomach dropped like a stone and he picked up his drink, making sure to edge away from Tom and the waiter.

"Guys I'm gonna go, I have a ton of homework to do." He said as he rose from his seat, drink in hand.

"So soon? We just got here." Matt whined. Tord painted a sad, yet sorry face and walked towards the entrance.

By now the waiter had stopped talking to Tom and was walking towards the service desk. Tord stuck his foot out and tripped the man with a sneer.

"Omg I'm sooooo sorry." He replied with a malicious smile and walked out of the store with his coffee in his hand.

Tord rushed over to his house as fast as his feet could carry him, his mind racing with questions and connections.

He slammed the door shut and gasped for breath against the wall. His mother shot him a glance of confusion from a cooking pot on the stove.

"Tord, darling, what's wrong?"

"Just thoughts mama, I need to figure something out...."

"What about your friends? Weren't you hanging out with them?"

Tord went quiet for a moment and sat down on the couch already diving into every experience and feeling he'd ever had. Trisha let out a huff of annoyance and turned back to the stovetop.

Tord was picking up on the comfort he found around females, his lack of crushes in his life, and the feeling in his gut from seeing that waiter talk to Tom.

As more and more puzzle pieces fell in place Tord turned red and shook.



"I think I might be gay...."

A Song of Two Hearts [A TomTord Highschool AU]Where stories live. Discover now