Chapter 113

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Tord woke up in a place he didn't recognize and flopped out of the warm bed to the shiny wood floor. He grunted in pain, which in turn caused a sound to be heard from the bed. Tom propped himself up tiredly putting his weight onto one arm set behind him while the other rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

"What are you doing on the floor? Did you fall?"


Tord stuck his hands in the air to motion for Tom to help him up but instead Tom dropped from the bed and rolled over to give Tord an early morning cuddle.

"I was trying to motion for you to help me up but this works too."

Tom gave a chuckle and sadly detached from Tord to get to his feet. Then crouching down to help Tord get up as well.

The two chatted lightly as Tord gathered clothes from his duffle for the following school day.

"So same thing as yesterday? You walk me to and from classes and we hang at lunch?"

"I got detention remember? No lunch. Actually kinda surprised they didn't suspend me."

Tord didn't think he could handle being separated from Tom during the day for much longer than a simple class especially when he knew that Tom would be so close, yet out of reach. Tord formulated a temporary plan and headed to the bathroom to get changed before heading back to Tom's room so the two could go downstairs together.

Mrs. Laila stood leaning against the kitchen counter sipping some liquid from a cup, likely tea or coffee. Tord flushed at remembering the last thing she had said last night. Mrs Laila swirled her mug and guestered to a full coffee pot.

"It's all up for grabs dearies."

Tom let go of Tord's hand to grab a mug and pour himself the caffeinated drink. Tord sat down at the table. Mrs. Laila eyed him warily, it was clear what was one on her mind. Thankfully she approached it more subtly than usual.

"So dear, what can I get you for breakfast?"

Tord was quiet before deciding on something quick and small.

"Maybe some toast."

Mts. Laila nodded and opened the fridge, which didn't make any sense, I mean who puts their bread in the fridge? Mrs. Laila instead pulled out a carton of eggs and a frying pan. Soon she set a large plate of eggs in front of him and commanded sternly.


Tord didn't want to upset the admittedly scary woman so he ate the eggs before him. After eating, and Tom drinking an alarming amount of coffee, Tom gripped Tord's hand and smiled at him.

"You ready?"

"Mostly, but I'm missing my school bag."

"We can head to your house and pick it up while checking in on your mum and dropping off the duffle from last night."

Tord nodded and the two waved to a Mrs. Laila about ready to open shop for the day.

The rundown part of town was so much nicer in the chilly morning air. It was nearly silent except for a few bird chirps here and there. It was a cool calm gray masked by the fog of early morning. The best part was that Tom was beside him, holding his hand and occasionally swinging their arms. Tord couldn't ask for more. He felt so much more free than on base. He honestly felt like he could fly at any moment, but why would he want to do that? Tom was here on the ground. While Tord was thinking the setting transitioned to the much greener suburbs of town. He was nearly home. The front door was locked, customary of Trisha once it went dark. His mother was likely still asleep so he didn't want to knock, instead he grabbed the spare key from underneath the doormat.

Once inside Tord dropped the duffle on the floor and dragged Tom up the stairs to find his backpack and id. After that they traversed downstairs and Tord unfortunately had to let go of Tom's hand. Tom seemed to lurch forward at Tord's hand being absent from his but Tord slipped into his mother's room and shut the door behind him.

His mother was sleeping soundly in her bed, and Tord didn't want to disturb that so he kissed her forehead and wrote a short note, placing it on her bedside table. He then returned back to Tom who seemed like a fish starved for water left out to dry in the sun. Tord took his hand and smiled at him. Tom smiled back, all fear melting from his face and the two set out to school.

The morning meet up with Edd and Matt went as usual. Matt did suggest hanging out at the starbucks after school which Tord could easily get behind. After all it meant he could see Tom for two hours more than usual. Edd diverted Tom's attention away from Tord , and despite how much he missed it already, it gave him the perfect opportunity to slip his ID of his neck and into one of the less opened pockets of Tom's backpack. He needed to do this.

The bell rang sharp and clear and Tom and Tord walked off to Tord's math class. Tom pressed a kiss into Tord's forehead before running off to his own first period. Tord smiled and started to walk into the classroom, but he was stopped by his math teacher at the door.

"Where's your ID?"

"Forgot it at home."

"Well don't forget it again."

The teacher walk over to his desk and grabbed a detention slip which he then shoved into Tord's hands. They day slipped by as usual Tom walked him to class, he went to class, Tom walked him to the next one.

The bell rang for lunch and the children flooded out. Tom didn't show up, likely because he was already in the detention room. So Tord hurried over to room U340.

He opened the door to see a quiet classroom full of students writing doing their nails or simply looking bored. They all had the same dull empty expression. Tord walked up to the teacher at the desk with a clipboard, glasses sliding down the bridge of her nose. She put her hand out for Tord's detention slip, which he handed her and walked to sit down next to Tom. Tom looked at him flabbergasted.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

He whispered sharply, still the teacher announced loudly, "no talking."

Tom did in his backpack for a sheet of paper and a pen, then scribbled angrily on it before passing it under the desk to Tord.

It read, 'what the hell are you doing here?'

So Tord responded back by writing, 'I wanted to see you, and I forgot my ID.' He then passed back the paper and smiled. Tom looked at him confusedly but shrugged and grabbed Tord's open hand.

A Song of Two Hearts [A TomTord Highschool AU]Where stories live. Discover now