Chapter 117

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Tord beamed and joined in the laughter. After it died out Tord took a sip from his glass. Tord wasn't really hungry, he did have dinner before heading over to the flower shop, but Tom had seemed aching for a good meal. And how could Tord say no to that charming face, still bruised to his dismay. The waitress brought over their orders, all the while averting eye contact with either of the boys. Tom's attention had turned to the dish before him, but looked up in confusion at the empty spot in front of Tord.

"Didn't you order something?"

"No, I ate earlier at home."

Tom nodded his head to the side and started to eat. Tord just watched him and drank from his glass, that is until he ran out. He then stole his boyfriend's cup of water. Tom didn't even notice until he reached for his glass and was met with nothing. He looked up in half surprise and half confusion.

"Did you?"

Tord simply sipped from his glass, unable to wipe the slight grin from his mouth, as Tom gaped in slight betrayal.

How convenient that at this moment a 20 some odd man came with a pitcher of water and refilled their glasses.

"So, did you go boxing?"

Tom nodded and forked more noodles into his mouth.

"So, how was it? Aside from the countless bruises and undoubted pain."

"It was alright, certainly a rush of adrenaline. Quite fun actually."

Tord looked down at his cup and sipped from it again. He let his thoughts stew of a way he could assure himself of Tom's slight safety.

"Please promise me you'll properly tend to all of your wounds? No matter how small?"

Tom's expression softened.

"Of course, I promise."

Tord smiled at him.

"Do you want dessert?"

Tord's face brightened at the mention of anything sugary.


Tom chuckled and picked up the dessert menu. Tord gaze wandered to the window beside them. The stars could be seen faintly through the city smog. Tord could find the North Star fairly easy as well as a few of the planets.

"Or there's the chocolate cake. It's really up to you."


"I was listing off the desserts."

"Oh, sorry. I zoned out for a sec."

"It's fine babe. So, what do you want?"

They eventually settled on a slice of cake between them. But it was so damn beautiful that the two just stared at it for a solid minute before Tom daringly stabbed it with his fork. He balanced the chunk of cake delicately on his fork. He didn't bring the cake to his mouth instead moving it wobbly across the table towards Tord. He had his other hand resting below the fork in case the cake unfortunately fell. Which, thank goodness, it didn't.

"Here, you have the first taste. Tell me if it's good."

Tord leaned forward and scooped the cake into his mouth like a turtle snapping a bite at something. Tom awwed quietly and drew back the fork.

Tord chewed the immeasurably sweet cake and gulped it down.

"So, how is it?"

Tord grabbed his fork and stabbed the beautiful cake, shoveling the soft chocolatey goodness into his mouth.

"It's amazing!"

Tord hummed out, his mouth still full of cake. Tom, admittedly red faced, stabbed the cake and brought a bite to his mouth.

His face lit up and the two focused almost entirely on the cake. When it was gone a waiter came over and placed the check delicately on the table in front of Tom. Tord dug into his pocket and pulled out his wallet while Tom investigated the bill.

"How much was it?"

Tom merely handed Tord the bill. Tord's eyes traced over the page without a second glance as he pulled an appropriate amount of cash out of his wallet and slid it in the casing of the bill. Standing to his feet he brushed himself off and put his hand out to help Tom up.

They walked in the cool spring night air as Tord held onto Tom's upper arm.

"I've got a concert soon."

"Oh? That's wonderful."

"I think I'm gonna try out for a few solos."

Tom nodded and retracted his arm from Tord's grip, much to Tord's silent displeasure, and instead wrapped it around his boyfriend's side.

"Want me to walk you home?"

"Do you want to stay over tonight? Either that or I'm staying at your place. I'm not leaving your side tonight." Tom chuckled and held Tord tighter.

"Well, we'll have to see what your mum and my Grammy think don't we?"

The two smiled and giggled as they walked toward Tord's house.

A Song of Two Hearts [A TomTord Highschool AU]Where stories live. Discover now