Chapter 70

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It had been a few minutes since the credits started rolling, and Tom was contemplating moving the boy on his shoulder or not. On one hand Tord looked comfy as hell. He even had a dribble of drool leaking from the corner of his mouth, which Tom found unmatchably adorable. But on the other hand if they slept like this both of the boys would end up with back pain in the morning, and Tom didn't want to have to mess with a grouchy Tord. Matt and Edd had left a while ago, going up to Edd's room to sleep. Tom had decided to stay with Tord on the couch, and the group's parents had all headed out for the evening.

Tord carefully adjusted his boyfriend so he was resting in his arms, every movement was slow to ensure not waking up the sleeping beaut. Eventually Tom had maneuvered into a lying position on his back with Tord on top of him. Tord's head relaxed into the crook of Tom's neck, and Tom could feel the soft, warm breathing of the boy on top of him. Eventually the soft sound had caused Tom to drift off to dreamland himself.

The first thing Tom noticed when the morning had come was the obnoxious racket coming down the stairs. Chaotic giggles combined with rushing feet and yelling had woken Tom. Specifically the recitation of "I don't get no sleep cause of y'all, y'all never gonna sleep cause of me!" Tom immediately covered Tord's ears, trying to let the small kitten get more sleep, he looked like he needed it. But Tom's trial was futile, and soon Tord's grey eyes slowly opened, revealing something even gems couldn't compare to.

"Would you kindly SHUT THE FUCK UP!"

Tom was not expecting that from Tord, and almost fell off the couch. But he caught himself. Mrs. Gold's humming ceased for a moment, rather being replaced with a soft "language!" warning.

Tord said "Sorry ma'am." so softly that for the women to hear it she'd have to be a superhero.

Tord then turned his gaze to Tom, who had been watching him like a hawk even before he had woken up. Tord's horns were dishevelled, and looked more like an animal's ears at the moment. Tom, practically possessed with the urge to mess with them, slowly moved his hands to Tord's hair and softly played with his hair. And he almost felt heaven when he felt Tord softly purr into his chest.

"Commie, did you just purr?"

"No. I don't know what in the hell you are talking about."

Tom noticed the warning in Tord's voice, but progressed anyway. Why would such buttons exist if they weren't meant to be pressed?

"Let's try again then."

Tord was about to mumble opposition, but Tom had quickly rubbed the spot he had before again. And the same result occurred. Tord was absolutely flushed at this point, and Tom was having the time of his life.

"You are like a kitten."

"I'm a lion. Rawr."

Tom chuckled softly, completely enthralled by the exhausted Tord's behavior.

After a couple moments the duo started to drift back into their dreams. But that was interrupted by their devious friends, who instead pushed the boys off the couch without any notice. They then ran a safe distance away before recording for reactions.

Tom had landed awkwardly above Tord, and he was frozen for a moment. But then Tom quickly got up, almost stumbling in the process, and looked aggressively at Edd and Matt.

"You lame ass bitches are about to pay."

And right as Tom was about to beat the asses of Edd and Matt like there was no tomorrow, Mrs. Gold walked in.

"Pancakes are ready. And Tord, your bacon is too." The tension in the room disappeared as the boys made a mad dash to the kitchen, practically being dragged by the aroma alone.

A Song of Two Hearts [A TomTord Highschool AU]Where stories live. Discover now