Chapter 77

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At 7:30 the next morning Tord was ready to head out of the house towards the red army base but first he had to set things right. His eyes were still puffy from crying all night and the bags under his eyes were definitely noticeable. He stepped out of the house and walked to Tom's motel room. He knocked on the door but got no response and slumped his shoulders in defeat. Of course Tom wouldn't give him the time of day. He shuffled in defeat past Mrs. Laila's flower shop. He decided to pop in and see if Tom was with his legal guardian. Tord knocked on the front door since the shop wasn't open. While he waited he nervously twisted the ring on his finger. The door opened with a pleasant jingle to a tired looking Tom dressed in Pjs his hair a mess. He yawned and rubbed his eyes before actually looking at Tord.

"Fuck off."

"Wait Tom let me apologize!"

The door slammed shut. Tord sank to his knees and turned so his back would face the door.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid." He said to himself as he hit his forehead with each 'stupid' fresh tears seemed to form.

"How am I not dehydrated!?"

Tord cried out to no-one in particular. He recollected himself and began to stand up as the door opened behind his causing his to fall back with a thud.


Tom peered down at him clearly mad.

"What do you really want Tord?"

"I just want to apologize I was being stupid and I was stressed and god you shouldn't even forgive me I'm an awful person and an even worse boyfriend."

Tord buried his face in his hands again to hide the fresh sheet of tears tumbling down his face.

"I should just go, they need me on base anyways."

"Wait.... You are going back to the base?"

"They need me to cover for that bastard, he's ill, probably going to stab me in the back, and torso likely, honestly that's what I deserve."

"You'll do a great job covering for him. You are almost a copy."

Tord cried even harder.

"I am aren't I?" Tord laughed but it soon died out into more sobs.

Tom looked hesitant for a moment, and almost reached out towards Tord. "Only a little."

"You're just saying that to make me feel better." Tord rolled to his side and planted his face in the melted snow.

"To an extent you aren't wrong."

"I'm just gonna go."

Tord sat up and started to get to his feet once more.

"You shouldn't have to be bothered by my stupid, stupid personality."

"Wait." Tom stepped out of the doorway. "Don't go yet. Please."

Tord sighed and stepped inside the doorway weakly. Avoiding eye contact with Tom.

"I'm pissed at you right now. But I still love you."

Tord felt his mood lighten at that but it only dampened further.

"Why? I'm an awful person. I beat people up just because they bother me, I'm trigger happy to an extent where I'll hurt someone, and I'm just like my manipulative deadbeat father."

"Believe me. You aren't."

Tord sighed.

"Anyways I came to bring you this, then I'll be out of your hair and don't have to see my revolting self for two to three months."

Tord set down one of the rings on the table.

"I still love you." Tord headed his way for the door.

"I don't want you to go. I'm going to miss you. As lame as that sounds, and as much as I hate to admit it."

Tord smiled.

"We don't always get what we want, love."

With that Tord stepped out the door and started his trek to the home of his nightmares.

A Song of Two Hearts [A TomTord Highschool AU]Where stories live. Discover now