I don't ever want to lose my best friend (Vic Fuentes)

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“Jaime I cant believe you guys got me this job!”

 I had tears in my eyes, I swear at this very moment I was the happiest girl alive. 

“Well we honestly  couldn’t go a whole summer with out you. So we thought of the  next best thing.!”

“I  swear I will be the best merch girl EVERR!!”  I couldn’t help but scream. Jaime had  woken me up early this morning , pounding at my door.  At first  I wanted to punch in the face who ever decided that it would be a good idea to pound  and ring the door  bell at someone’s house this early on a Saturday. When I opened it to see Jaime I was confused. He had this huge smile on his  face.  Which was odd because we had this big good bye party  the night before and where all depressed cause the guys where leaving for Vans Warped later Saturday night and I was going to be stuck here all summer without them.

As soon as he told me they got  me a job and could come with them , I couldn’t help but  jump around.

“Shit!! I have to pack.!! Jaime What do I do?, what do I bring?!,  I have to wax my legs and go shopping , OH MY GOD! I cant believe you guys did this to me !”

I was instantly  splashed in the face with water, standing there blinking in shock, Jaime  just laughed.  At any  given time I would of kicked his ass  for  splashing water on me but I simply  smiled a thanks you and let him led me in my house.

“Calm down, now lets go inside and pack.”

 A  few hours later everything I  needed was placed on my floor with my  giant suit case ready to be filled. Jaime had gone home to shower and finish packing his things when I got a  txt from  Vic.

VIC: buenos días señorita

TAM: VIC!!!!!!!! Can I come over??

VIC: lol  sure ?

Yes  Vic Fuentes is my  neighbour. Every since I came here when I was six  years old from Canada.  Wheres here you say?   San  Dieago.  Im about 24 now,  ive  known  Vic and his brother Mike for 18  years. Tony  and  Jaime for about 15 maybe.  We all went to school together. Grade school , high school.   Though I was the only one who went to college, or was in college. They made it big and  now on their way to Warped tour. Bringing me with them.  Most  of the time  I had school to occupy  me while they were away on tour.  I did travel out to go to a few shows, but warped tour was  huge. I didn’t know what to do with myself when I found out they were going to leave for the whole Summer.  don’t get me wrong I was super excited, but I hated to be alone.

Vic was my best friend.  We did everything together.

He was the only  kid who was nice to me from day one. 

*flash back**

“Why are you crying?”  this short kid with long dark brown hair came and sat next to me on the school bus.   I was  crying because it was my  first day of grade one in a  new school, a new country.

“I don’t  want to go to school, I want my mom”   I said wiping my eyes.  I never really spoke to anyone, I was always too shy but there was something about him that made me feel comfortable.

“Well, maybe school wont be so bad if you had a friend?”

I looked up at him confused.

“ I'm Victor but you can call me Vic.” he smiled.

“Im Tammy” smiling back.

“You live beside me, I saw you move in the other day, where are you from?”

“Toronto, its in Canada.  I miss home.”

“Wow that’s far. Well you can hold my hand. Maybe you’ll feel better?”

I looked at him, he just smiled and held out his hand, I slowly  slid mine in his, from that day forward  he was always there for me.

Through  grade school, when I was too shy to talk.  Vic would always invite me to play with his friends at recess.  Or high school when girls use to pick on me  because I wasn’t like them. 

When I was about 18 my world crashed around me. my father passed away. Vic was the one who found me.  I had ran off after hearing the news. It was about 4 am when  someone came and sat beside me under a big tree in the park.   I didn’t have to look up to know it was  him, Vic slid his hand into mine and we sat in silence. It was comforting he never once left my side until I out of my depression.  

We  never dated though, I don’t think it ever came to mind.  There was times when people asked or assumed because  of how we acted ,but  there was this silent agreement that we both knew we could never sacrifice our friendship. Why destroy something  beautiful?

I was  close with Mike as well, even though he was younger he still acted like an older brother.. Always watching out for me. 

Ex boyfriends,  those  slutty girls in high school,  drunk guys at bars, you name it.  The  Fuentes  brothers where my family, I even  thought of their father as my own.  I was always treated like I belonged  and loved.  

After my father passed, my mom went into depression. She began to drink a lot.  It was only a few  years ago she finally snapped out of it, now she was suffocating me with this  so called  “ motherly love”  I guess she just wanted to make up for all the time she had lost. As much as  I loved her she still wasn’t there for me,  with that I held  a lot of anger towards her.  


I had showered quickly and ran over with my hair still wet. 

The door was always open so I let my self in and ran upstairs to Vic's  room.  He was  lying on his bed in only  his basket ball shorts. His hair was a mess and  his eyes  where  closed.

“Why are you still in bed!” I screamed , scaring him a bit.

“Honestly, Mike should learn to lock the front door. Why are you so awake?  Your never up before 2 on a Saturday” settling  his head back down on this pillow.

“BECAUSSEEEEE IM GOING WITH YOU TO WARPED!!” I  started jumping on his bed screaming.  Vic grabbed my ankles knocking me down.  He  rolled over  pinning  my arms and  legs down. 

“Calm down, or you aren’t going.”

“But..But Victorrrrr” I wined. Giving him my puppy eyes .

“Don’t give me those. Or ill be forced to tickle you”

“OHMYGOD NOOO DON’T!!”  I shouted and tried to break free from his grasp. Luckily  he isn’t a big guy, I managed to kick him off and roll off the bed onto my feet.

“Honestly  Vic, you know you couldn’t go a whole summer without me.”  now  giving him my million dollar smile. He sighed  in defeat.

“ you  couldn’t either”   sticking out his tongue.  I gave one in return as I walked over to his bathroom to check my  drying hair.  Vic was the only one I let see my hair when It was  left to dry naturally.  I hated it. My hair was naturally red but  had this retarded wave thing going on and one random  tight curl down the bottom. I normally had my hair  straight.

“when do we  leave?” I asked coming back out to slide next to him on the bed. 

“Around 7, we have to be on our tour bus.”  he yawned.

“okay , cool”   we both just laid there in silent staring at the ceiling like we  did a thousand times before.  Growing up our parents gave in and let us have sleep overs, after finding one of us in the other  persons bed in the morning time after time.  Obviously nothing happened. It just took a  long time to get our parents to believe that.

I don't ever want to lose my best friend (Vic Fuentes )Where stories live. Discover now