Glass hearts shattering

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Chapter 20 


I had  gotten a txt  from Ashely  telling me  that Tam attacked her  earlier at the tent for no reason, I didn’t want to believe it.  Tammy wasn’t the type to  fight unless really provoked. But lately I was starting to think that maybe I didn’t know that much about her.

Racing over to our  merch tent I found  that the guys had beaten me to it.  

Tammy was no where to be seen and  Cas was handling the table  as we all stood in the back.  Ashley sat on a crate  holding an ice pack to the side of her  face.  Her  face had scratches and a  bruise was forming  under her eye and  on her  left arm.  Ashley's  make up was smeared from  crying and her  tank was  ripped at the  front.  She saw me and  ran over  hugging me  tightly.

“Oh vic  im in so much pian” she wined.  I wasn’t  in much of a mood for  giving sympathy  but I tried.

“Come back and sit down.  You shouldn’t  be  walking around  if you got hit in the head.”

She  nodded and went back to the crate.

“So what happened?”  looking to Jaime and  Tony.  Mike walked in, looking at me but then went up to the front with Cas.  I knew he didn’t care much for Ashley.

“We heard there was a fight and  by the time we came Mike  took Tammy  somewhere to calm down and  Ashley was on the floor. So we  got her an ice pack.”

“It was awful Vic!  I came to the tent and  that Danny  guy was here talking to Tam and they were  making out. So after he left I asked her  politely  to do that after work cause  I was  tired of taking care of the tent while she runs off. Then next thing you know, she was on top of me.”   we were all looking at Ashley.  The  guys didn’t look like they  believed this.  But this was  still processing in my  head, none of it sounded like Tammy.  But  her eyes started to get  glossy.

“You don’t believe me?”  she sobbed  putting her head in her hands.

Maybe  Tammy did do this?

 Just then I heard Danny speak into the  mic. They were on main stage,  directly  in front.

I didn’t  notice that asking Alexandria was even playing.

“I met this  girl  the first night of Warped, she blew my mind then, last night she partied with us and blew my mind even more!  Danny  spoke. I walked to the front where  Mike and Cas were.  Watching  Danny pulling Tam out from side stage.  She was scared.  I knew she was.  The  way she was standing and looking out  at the crowd.

Mike and Cas looked over at me and then at the dircetion I was looking at.

“What the?”  was all Mike said  until Tam began to sing.

Even though I'm on my own

I know I'm not alone

Cause I know there's someone, somewhere

Praying that I make it home

So here's one from the heart

My life right from the start

I need a home sweet home

To call my own

I ran to the other side of the tent , followed by Mike  Tony and  Jaime. 

I couldn’t believe she was up there,  singing.  With him. Of all people, she  choose to sing with him, to be with him. Where was I?   she was suppose to sing with me.  I know I never  pushed it but it was brought up if she wanted to. She  knew I wanted to, we all did.  It hurt. Everything just hurt, even from last night.  

“Vic baby,  you know I was crying right. ?Vic?”  Ashley tugged my arm, she even kissed me.  My eyes were glued to the girl on stage, the one I wanted to be beside.

Watching Tammy up there, I couldn’t see that only minutes ago she was  on top of Ashley punching her for no reason, that she  never did merch.

It  didn’t seem like my best friend. Up there she was so angerlic, the way she sang was full of passion. Everything she hid was  left  open for the world to see. I think I was falling for her.. Wait, no I cant.

The guys all danced around, the song had ended and I still couldn’t move. The boys hollered and  high five'd each other.

“Vic, look at her! Shes a natural!”  Jaime  yelled over the  crowd still jumping.

I looked at him and smiled.

Flicking my eyes back to the stage I felt my heart stop.  Danny had pulled  Tammy  in and  kissed her. 

Clenching my  fist  I walked away. 

I couldn’t keep seeing this. 

Walking away I knew I was being followed. It was annoying me but I had  a feeling I knew who it was.  She seemed to always be there. To talk to, to take the pain away. 

I stopped.

“Vic, I'm sorry”  she mumbled slowly  taking my hand.  I turned around to face Ashley.

“It's okay, I believe you”  I tried not to believe it, but after watching those two on stage. I fell in defeat. My  best friend is now a stranger to me.

“Here, let me cheer you up?” taking a step  closer, she  pressed her lips to mine. Only to  pull away and  look up at me slightly hurt.

“You don’t want to kiss me?”  I  hadn’t moved, I didn’t want to. I felt  like half of me was dead.

“Im sorry, I want to be alone”   sliding my hand out of hers and  walking away. 

I don't ever want to lose my best friend (Vic Fuentes )Where stories live. Discover now