Sleep over

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 Chapter 4

Vics pov.

I woke up to a gross taste of beer in my mouth. So I got out of bed to grab some water.  It was about  9 in the morning and the bus was in some town.  Our driver noticed I was up and told me in an hour we were stopping for a break.

I decided to stay up and  check  twitter and stuff.    Coming across a tweet  Tam posted about how happy she was to be on warped with us. Last night popped in my head. 

When she started to sing, it was so beautiful.  I knew everything about her, but I didn’t know she could sing.   I know I was drunk but I felt really attracted to her at that moment,  couldn’t  take my eyes off of her.  Then when I found her passed out in the back I felt a bit of panic, She went too far.

Tam always  drank too much, it was something I never commented on, or came out and told her to slow down  but  I  hated it.  Every since her father past something broke. Through out life I watch it get worst. Every ex boyfriend, fight with her mom. It  just broke her more and more. I tried to be there, to mend her together but lately she’s been falling back into that funk.  I hope bringing her on tour wasn’t a bad thing.

Mike had  woken up just when the bus stopped. 

“Hey want to go get some coffee? The others wont be up for awhile”  his voice was raspy.  I nodded and  went back to grab my wallet from my  bunk.

“So last night,” Mike started as  we  waiting in line at Starbucks.

“What about it?”  confused on what he meant.

“Tam, she  hid that  voice from us.”  I felt my body relax.

“ yea, I didn’t even know.  She never fails to surprise us.”   Mike smirked at me. 


“Nothing, its just…  the way you looked at her after.”   Mike gave me a wink.  Of course he would notice something like that.

“I was  drunk, and  shocked. So fuck off.” Getting a  bit annoyed, she  just shrugged.

“Sure, okay.  Well im excited for this tour”   he turned around and  ordered, I hadn’t noticed that the line moved so quickly. 

We  walked on to the bus to find  Tam and  Tony at the table laughing. 

She  looked so happy, but her tiny body was telling me other wise.  Mike handed her, her coffee and slide in beside her.  I noticed I was starving and poured myself some cereal. 

“Hey,!  I thought I was your best friend!?”  giving her a pouting face.

“You  don’t take the pain away darlin”   She cooed, joking around with me.

“Oh baby ,   let me show you how I could take that pain away”  

I loved how we could always joke like this.  It just  felt  natural.  Last night I might have felt attracted but today everything felt  normal when I looked at her. 

It was night now, tomorrow we would play our  fist show and we were all excited.  The  day went by  quickly, a lot of us had cat naps or just played games.  The guys and I made a set list or the  songs we wanted to play.  Jaime and  Tony  begged  Tam to come up and sing.  They  had failed.  Not even I knew why she wouldn’t do it, being  shy wasn’t the only excuse.

“Ready for your first day as a merch girl?”  I  asked as  I slide into Tams bunk.  She was  txting someone on her  phone, I noticed she didn’t look to happy.

“Yeah, im excited”  trying to give me her  best smile. 

“What’s wrong cupcake?”  

She sighed

“ Nothing pop tart , its just  my moms  been bitching at me since I left.  I apparently forgot to txt her  yesterday and she thinks  I already ran off with some guy.”   I  put my arm around her and  let her snuggle close.  

“Well, you did.” 

She lifted her head and  narrowed her  eyes.

“What  do you mean?”

“You ran off with  four guys,  what a whore”   she  hit me and  we  broke out in laughter.

“Oh man  I am, I cant  contain myself  sometimes. Especially when their so cute.”   

“Oh why thank you”

“I wasn’t talking about you, I thought you were the  Mexican  bus driver”  

“ But I… I.. im so hurt.  I might as well go jump off a  bridge”  I pretended to be offended by this and slowly rolling my way out of the bunk. Tam grabbed me  pulling me into a hug.

“Pop tart nooo!!”  I felt her  laugh in my chest.

She pulled away and looked up at me.

“I honestly  cant wait  for tomorrow.  I wouldn’t know what to do with my life if I wasn’t with you guys.”

“You'd  be  really bored ,that’s for sure”  I  couldn’t hold  back my yawn . “And  possibly sleeping”

She  giggled.  “Sleep over?”    

I nodded.  I could  always fall asleep with her  beside me.  I felt as though there was nothing to worry about in the  world.  I had my best friend. 

We pulled the  covers up to our chests and she snuggled up beside me like she normally did.  But the bunk wasn’t big enough so I put my arm around her to pull her close. She didn’t object  so I guess it was  okay.  I smiled and slowly drifted to sleep.

I don't ever want to lose my best friend (Vic Fuentes )Where stories live. Discover now