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Chapter 12


I knew  I couldn’t hide from Mike forever. I actually had started to form feelings for him and this beer was making me brave.

“That’s Ashley girl threatened me”  mike looked shocked. Where all these boys that blind to see what she was doing?

“She what ? What she say?”  

Mike started to look furious  but I continued to tell him what happened.


Flash back

Tam had just left.  the guys were right, she was really nice.  More prettier then I expected. Mike had told me a lot about her, especially her and Vic.  To be honest I was kind of  bummed she left, I was now alone in this tour bus.  Everyone was snoring away.  I didn’t want to intrude but I decided to have coffee for them when they woke.  Getting out the coffee maker and grinds  I felt a tap on the  shoulder making me jump.

“Morning” The  blond from last night  stood there  with her hands on her hips.  Her voice wasn’t as pleasant as it was last night.

“Morning” I said in a small voice, this wasn’t  going to be good.

“What are you doing?” he demanded as if I was touching something that wasn’t mine.  Well it wasn’t but it wasn’t hers either.

“Im making coffee for the boys.”

“No I mean , what are you doing?”  she was corning me , my back was right up against the counter.

“I .... I don’t know what you mean?”

“You shouldn’t be here,  no one wants you.”

“Says who?” trying to sound  big.  Truth was, I was never  good at fighting back.

“Says me!, I'm the only girl here. I saw the way you looked at Vic. Hes  mind so hands off”

“I think you have it all wrong, Im with Mike”

“Him too, they don’t like you.”

Who was this girl? Telling me to stay away.  Shes a  nut case.

“Sure,  your not the boss of me”

Just then she grabbed my  arm squeezing it hard, digging her nails in. I winced in pain.

“Listen here, I don’t want to see your ugly face around here.  Don’t come near Mike or you’ll regret it. Im the only girl here.”

The pain in my arm was too much, I let out a wimper just as  someone came down from the bunk. 

“I want you to get out now, or  next time I see you  that face of yours, will be even more uglier”  she pushed me back hard against the  counter letting go.  My arm had finger nail marks in it and was slightly bleeding.

Mike walked out from the bunk area instantly smiling at me.  It pained me to do this but I turned my head and left.


By the  time I had finished and looked back up at  Mike his face was red.  He was made.

We stood there in silence for a good minute.

“Mike ?”  he wasn’t looking at me , just ahead at nothing.  He turned around and kicked the  gate letting out a growl which made me shiver. 

I don't ever want to lose my best friend (Vic Fuentes )Where stories live. Discover now