Ding dong the bitch is gone

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Vic pov

“I called you a jerk, your an asshole to her, Vic”  Danny was in my face, we were both  pissed.  I was about to punch him. To finally do what  I've always wanted to do. But the thought of how Tammy would hate me was holding me back, he was lucky.   The blood was  rushing  through my  veins and my face was burning as ever.   Who did he think we was?  Calling me a jerk.  We were only joking. I was only teasing her. Using my selfishness to get a kiss from her, yeah I was stupid for pushing it far but no one thought twice about it. If tam and I actually did or not.

All these thoughts rushed through my  head as  I stared into  his  blue eyes. I was looking at the same eyes Tammy did.  I hated him, hating him because he was there to scoop her up and put her on her feet. That was my job.  She was mine.  I was letting my better half  get a hold of me.  I pulled back my fist and let go.  

Just then hands where on me pulling me back, restraining my bod., I struggled.

I watched as  Danny stood there blinking in shock that there was no punch to the face, he was lucky.

“Calm down babe”  my  body seized.  Ashley  came into view placing her hands on my face and kissing me. My body went limb, I didn’t know what to do. I thought she was gone? What was she doing here?.

The guys let go of me and I just stood there as she wrapped her arms around my waist. 

Flicking my eyes over to where Danny was,  but he was walking away.

“Your lucky this time Worsnop!” I called.   He was, but I wasn’t. 

“Get off of me!”  I unwrapped her arms from around me and stepped back. The guys moved to the front of the tent to were Cas was working. Not wanting to be apart of this.

“Vic, im sorry. Please “ she pleaded. I knew it was an act.

“No Ashley, I told you to go away, we aren't together anymore. You’re a slut”

“Oh  but  Victor” she  came close again but I backed away. 

“That’s not very nice, considering  how I was always there for you and I got  rid  of  Danny”

“No! you pushed away all my friends,  you ran my best friend away and I had everything under control with him”  

“Sureee” she said rolling her eyes.

“Ashley go away, I don’t want to see you anymore. Im done, WE'RE DONE! You slept with have the half the  crew and you’re a  psychotic bitch. You lied to me, tricked me in to  believing  things that weren’t true.  Now  I have to pick up the pieces.”

“Vic, but I.. I Love you. I didn’t sleep with everyone.” she pleaded.  

“Well I don’t.  you’re a liar. your fired from being our merch girl too.” 

She was mad, her face had  turn a deep red colour and her  hands were bunched into fist by her side.  I wanted nothing to do with her, she had ruined my life.

“I hate you  Vic,  This .. This isn’t  over!” she  was close in my face.  I just smiled. 

“You can go now” I said calmly. 

“Shell find  out about this,  don’t think he wont tell her we  kissed.  I already dug your whole, and pushed you in. she isn’t going to forgive you and help you out. And now,  neither will I”  

Ashley took my water bottle and poured it over my head. And stormed off. 

“Stay away from my friends, bitch!” I called. Laughing to myself not caring if i was soaking wet, it was actually  refreshing from this heat.

I was happy she was gone, I felt weight being  lifted off my shoulders.  Now if  I could only get Tammy to see I was trying, maybe she'd forgive me. I couldn’t wait until dinner tonight, ill make her see that her feelings for me are there.

“Way to go hermano !” the guys came  crashing into me. Suffocating me with a massive  hug.

“The wicked bitch of the west is gone!!”  Mike sang causing us to break out in laughter.

“Yeah I know” I agreed

“About time Vic, she was awful”  Tony added.

“I think tonight we should celebrate and feast, I cant wait till we feast. Im starving!” Jaime  of  course thinking about the food.

We all nodded. It was our last night in Toronto and  we were all going back up to Tam's Nona's house for dinner and to pick up our clean laundry. Then it was off to Montreal.

I was excited because I knew Tam was leaving early today and I needed some alone time with her.

I don't ever want to lose my best friend (Vic Fuentes )Where stories live. Discover now