Drama Drama Drama...

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chapter 10

The next morning my alarm startled me, surprisingly I didn’t have a headache.  Rolling out of bed to get ready for another long day I was met by a small brunette.

I guess I startled her cause  she  jumped when she heard my  keys  jingle. 

“Oh, hey “ she said in a small voice  After spinning  around to look in the direction of the  noise. 

She was cute,  her green eyes where big and  beautiful. I felt slightly jealous of them.

Her long brown hair was knotted in the back, it was a sign she had sex last night. 

She was slightly shorter then I was, very petite, except for her boobs.  A dead give away she was one of mikes girls.

I smiled, “Morning”

Out of no where she shot her hand out.

“Im Cassandra, but  you can call me Cas”  taking her hand, we shook. She seemed nice. Not the normal one night stand girls.

“ Im Tammy. Are you friends with ?..”

Trying to see if she really was with Mike last night.  She let out a giggle.

“Ive heard about you, the  guys spoke about  you last night. You had left before I got there. Mike invited me.”

My stomached relaxed a bit.

“Yeah, I was really tired.  Plus as you can see I have to get up early. Though it was nice meeting you but I have to go set up my tent. Tell the guys I said good morning.”

She  looked a  bit sad when I said my goodbye but she nodded and smiled  as I turned to leave.

I hope  mike wasn’t going to drop her, I kind of liked her.

Arriving at my tent, it was no surprise  Ashley wasn’t there. She was  so unreliable.    The day passed and Ashley did show up, she talked in her annoying voice about all the  bands shes met and  mentioning  vic here and there. I ignored most of it, until she  mentioned the  naked ladder story.

“What?”  turning to look at her.

“Are you deaf? I said  Vics  butt is  probably really cute”

“No, before that.”

“Oh, that it must have  been embarrassing to be caught by your parents helping him in his bedroom while he was practically naked?”

My eyes were wide,  how did she know?

“Who told you that?” anger was bubbling inside me.

“The guys, I was with them last night” she smiled acting all Innocent. But behind that smile she  knew I was  pissed. 

“How are my two lovely ladies?”   she was saved. Vic came around from the back wrapping his arms around both of us.  Ashley  smiled at him sweetly, hitting his chest  flirtatiously

“Oh Vic you don’t  mean that”   I wanted to kick her in the face.

“But I do, I think we have the best Merch girls  here.”

Giving a snort  I removed myself  from  Vic and walked over to the  empty  boxes and stomped on them.   They needed to be broken down anyways , also my anger needed to  be unleashed or something was getting this foot in their face.

“Are you okay Tammy?”  Vic stood to the side and watched me  stomp on the boxes, I didn’t care to stop.  Ashley was actually working,  most likely trying to show Vic that was a hard worker.

He  touched my shoulder, making me freeze.

“Tam6” his voice was stern but soft. Though I was  not going to tell him how I felt, cause I didn’t even know why I felt so mad.

“Im fine , really. These needed to be  crushed”  faking a  genuine smile.  His eyes searched mine for a moment then he grinned leaning in to give me a kiss on the  cheek.  From the corner of my eye I saw Ashley  give me a dirty look.  Making my smile real.

“That’s the smile I want to see”  Shifting my eyes  back to Vic who was smiling at me and slightly blushing.

Wait ? Blushing.

Before I could even process if I was seeing correctly he  pulled me into a hug mumbled goodbye and left.

That was odd, was he actually blushing? Why.

My anger had  eased off and I went over to tell Ashley I was going for lunch.

“Your just going to leave me here?”  she winded.  That voice of hers was getting on my nerves.

“Yes”  hissing through my teeth. “ You leave all the time, for more then half the day.”

She was about to say something when  someone  came and stood beside us, making us both turn out heads. 

It was the brunett girl from that morning. 

“Hey”  her  voice was  low knowing she had just walked into something.

“Hey, Cas! You hungry?”  Using Cas as my ticket out of here.

Ashely growled and walked away.  There wasn’t any fans around, they were all watching  Pierce the veil perform. I really didn’t get what  Ashley's problem was.

“So? Did you want to get out of here?”  

Cas nodded. 

“How was  this morning, after I left?”   Cas had been quiet since we  leaving  the tent.  We were headed to the food bus that was parked behind a few buses, it was for staff only.

“It was okay, the guys are nice. But I didn’t stay long”  the way she said it, made me get slightly angry at Mike.  Did he  try and push her out.

“Did you have breakfast with them?”  trying to see if she would open up.  Im pretty sure Cas came to the tent to talk about something.

“No”   this time I stopped,  stepping in front of her so I could look her in the eye.

“Did they kick you out? Was Mike being an ass, cause if he is..”

“OH NO, no  Mike is super nice. Its just  She came  over.”

“She?” I knew exactly who she  was. It probably made  sense why Ashley was always  late every morning.

“That  blond girl at the tent. She was  on the sleeping with sirens bus last night after you left. She was okay last night, mainly  hung off of  Vic.  But  after you left this morning she came on and  told me to back off and that she didn’t want to see me around.  Then mike came out  but I just walked away. I felt really bad just walking away from him but she threatened me.  I knew if I found you, maybe you could tell him im sorry. Ive tried txting but he hasn’t responded.”

Cas looked down to her feet. I didn’t have to see to know she was crying.  She really was falling for  Mike.  As much as my insides were screaming of the thought of Ashley  being close to Vic, this was about Cas.  I liked her. She was a good girl. Mike needed someone like her  in his life.

“Hey, Cas  listen.  don’t worry  ill talk to him. Hes  like my brother. I know him in side and out. Plus there isn’t anything to worry about,   he invited you out last night, that means  he likes you.”

“We had  lunch together yesterday too” 

Damn Mike never invited a girl he slept with from a party  out. 

I smiled at her and  linked arms.

“We  need to get rid of this Barbie”  Cas laughed and nodded as we walked off  to the beer tent.

I don't ever want to lose my best friend (Vic Fuentes )Where stories live. Discover now