Wheres the fire?

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 Chapter 29

Tam Pov

“Danny, were leaving!”

“But love”

“ I said were going.!”  why wasn’t he coming? Hes the one who didn’t even want to come  in the first place and now he doesn’t want to leave.?  They  offered him one beer and their instantly his best friends. All I wanted to do was get the fuck out.

After seeing  Vic and Ashley having  sex in the back im surprised  my insides didn’t  come out.  Everything inside was screaming at me to just  go. 

I needed air.


I yelled one more time before walking out.  I didn’t care to even say goodbye. I think theyd understand. Cause im sure ill be the talk of the  night, about  how I was wasted and with a bad boy. How it was rude of me to leave. How I was a fuck up.

Sounds just  like my mom, who also told me today how much I messed up. I was so happy to tell her about  my summer for far, she seemed to be in a good mood. Until I told her who I was dating. How Vic and I weren’t exactly friends anymore. Boy, did I hear it. 

Worst part is, she  told my grandma I would be in Canada in a few days.  That I had to go visit.  I mean I do love my grandma , she was  everything to me. I just  didn’t want her to see what  I had become. 

How thin and pale I was, my  scars on my wrist. When she sees me, I know my  mom would be on the next plane to come take me home. Thinking  it would be  a parent thing to do.

“Love,  wait love your walking too fast!”  Danny  was running to catch up with me. 

“Oi, you’re a little  speed walker.”  he was out of breath, but still continured to lite a cig. Handing me one as well.


“Where's the fire?”

“I just wanted to go back to the bus.”

“did you now?  Or  are  you running away ?”

 This is what I liked about  Danny he  knew.  He wasn’t oblivious like most guys when a girl is upset. 

“Did you bump into that  friend of yours?”

“bumping into him is an understatement”

“ Gottcha,  well forget about him. you’re with the best  people tonight”   he  put his arm over my shoulder and  pulled me in closer. I couldn’t help but giggle. 

He always made me smile.

We arrived on the bus to find it , empty.

“I guess the guys left”  we both kind of stood there just looking around. 

It was  like one of those scenes in those teen movies where the two characters just  instantly  crash into each other with just  hungry for one another.

Danny cupped my  face pulling me in as  his one  hand  slid  down my  back. He  kissed me with such force I couldn't  help myself but return.  We  crashed into the wall  knocking things off the  counter in the small kitchen making our  way around. finally falling to the couch..  Managing to return to a sitting position I straddling him, my hands  running  through his soft hair as our tongue began to enter  each others mouths and explore. Luckily we  both had  enough practise that we weren’t a sloppy drunk or this would have been a complete turn off for me.   Ive had some  dog  kissers before.

He moaned as i kissed  his down his neck and every now and  then  returning to nibble on his ear  lobe. His eyes were  closed and his head was back as he  let me  take  over. 

Taking advantage  I  lifted his  shirt up and  over his head tossing it to the side. He  gave me a cocky smile. And  tore mine off as well. And  I mean  tore.   Ugh there  goes my shirt.   Slowly  I started to  grind on his pelvis rewarded with  moans from him as our lips came back in to contact. 

He flipped me over  to hover over me letting me know it was his turn.  He  began to  kiss slowly  down my  jaw to my  neck. Quickly  finding my sweet spot at the side.  Letting out soft moans  I could  feel him smiling against my  skin. He started to  bite.

Making his way down towards my  breast he  unbuttoned my pants. Helping him take them off by  kicking  I pushed him up on his  knees to undo his.  Leg  by  leg, Danny was now  in his boxers.  His hair was tangled  and his eyes were hungry. We were breathing hard already  from the  intensit makeout session and we  were defiantly  ready to get it in.

Lifting me  up, he carried me to the bunk.  Only this time I wanted to be on top.

Our lips met,  this time harder.  Our bodies moved in sync  rubbing against  each other  until we couldn’t take it anymore. Our last pieces of clothing came  off. 

Hearts  racing, harsh breathing  we  were both sweating. 

It was rough. It was great. I laid beside him still breathing fast. 

“Wow” he breathed. 


Slowly  he turned on his side to face me.

“Your  beautiful. Im really happy you’re my girlfriend”

Turning my head to face  him I just smiled.  I had no words to say. I was still processing everything in my head. I felt  , odd. Numb.

 He didn’t seem to notice  because  he pulled me in close and  kissed me lightly.

Then  mumbled.

“Were going on a  hike tomorrow”  and passed out.

I don't ever want to lose my best friend (Vic Fuentes )Where stories live. Discover now