Hunger Games

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Chapter 33

Tammy Pov

The guys and I were  messing about and talking about random stuff as we walked on the trail.  Leaving  mike and Cas to have their  romantic scenic walk.

Jaime and  Tony were  pretending to be  ninjas, jumping off of  rocks and  trees. 

Danny and I were  just messing around.

“Oi, would you look at this view!”  Danny stopped and  looked in my directions  which made  me  turn my head to see what he was talking about. 

“What?”   I asked, still looking in that  directions.

“Its  beautiful”

I laughed, thinking he was being funny.

“oh yes Danny, those tress are  really pretty”  using a sarcastic tone.

He  laughed 

“ im not looking at the tress.” 

I turned to face him, he was smiling at me slightly  blushing.  which made my stomach do a flip flop.  He was honestly the cutest guy ever.

“Aww Danny. Your too cute”

 I leaned in for a kiss  but was rudely  interrupted.


Danny and  I both turned to look at the  dreadful person.  Ashley stood there taking a sip of her water while having one  hand on her  hip.  Vic was  jogging  closer. Completely out of breath.

I slightly  felt bad for him, but then again….

“Liking the  hike , Ashley ?” using  my  fake genuine tone. Emphasizing  on the  fake  part. 

She rolled her eyes. But because  Vic  had caught up she smiled sweetly.

“I  love it!  Its so pretty here.  Right  Vic?”

Vic was  bent  over with his hands  on his knees trying to catch his breath.

“yeah, sure.  If  I had time to look”

“ oh vic, your so out of shape. “  she laughed.waving her hand at him.

Jaime and  Tony  were up a  tree making faces behind her. Making Danny choke.  I knew he was  trying to hold in a  laugh.

She  looked behind her at them . Both  boys  raised their hands in innocents.

Danny  then made a face behind her.  Only it was my turn to choke.

“Well now,  speaking of out of shape. Tammy.  Im surprised your just standing around, need a  break? Maybe if you didn’t smoke you'd be further up the  hill.”

“excuse me?” I was in  shock , how dare she say that. 

“ I mean, you did loose some of your tone  from when I first met you.”

Danny squeezed my hand slightly  knowing I wanted to punch her right there and then.  Jaime and  tony  slid  quietly out of the tree making their way closer just in case a cat fight broke  out.  While  Vic just stood there staring with wide eyes.

No one ever talked to me like that. 

Taking a  deep breath I smiled.  It was deadly.

“Alright, lets have a race. Well see who's more fit”

She stepped  closer. Now standing extremely close to me.

“Your on.”

“Tam, I don’t think you shoud…” Danny whispered. 

“Don’t think I could do it?” my  tone was venomous.

He shook his head. 

“ No I mean, as in. your going to commit a murder”  making this into a joke.

I just walked over to a  rock and began to stretch my  calf muscles.

I could  see Vic  trying to talk her  out of it. But of course she just kissed him and he was  forever under her spell.

20 minutes later…..

Ashley and  I had been at is for at least a good 20  minutes. Jogging up this path. I had to admit, she actually could jog.  I didn’t think she  could do any physical activity besides have sex. But this bitch was on my tail.

It was a huge climb up hill and  the ground wasn’t the greatest to be racing on. Not  paying attention to where I was stepping could cause me a  twisted ankle or to fall. Jaime, tony  Danny and Vic  all had a  head start, so they could see who was  the winner was.  Mike and  Cas  thought this was dumb and  went  at their own pace.

It had been a good 40 minutes , both of us were dripping sweat and breathing heavily. Thankfully  she got  tired and started walking, I still kept  a  great deal of distance between us but thank full that  I could  now walk.  My  lack  of eating and  drinking was catching up to me, I was exhausted.  I was  light headed and  started to feel nauseous but my  inner  competitive side was not going to let me loose to this  bitch. She had no right  saying what she said to me. I was going to  kick her ass.

Pushing on forward I could see  the guys  faintly  between the trees in the distance.

Thank god  its almost the end.

Taking my last sip of water that  I saved til the end, I heard foot steps racing behind me.


I had no time to even swallow my water and she had pushed me from behind making me fall to the  ground.

“Bitch!” I yelled. Getting up and  breaking into a sprint.

I was catching up, it wasn’t hard. But I guess she had another trick up here sleeve.

I was instantly  blind. Ashley had some dirty in her hand and threw it in my  face. Making me cry out, the dirt stung my eyes.   I stumbled  backwards and tripped on a  rock, twisting my ankle which made me fall. tumbling down until i came to a stop.

I laid there  trying to catch my  breath that was winded out of my lungs with i hit the  ground. Tears were  forming,  because I had dirt in my eyes and because I just lost to her. I should of seen this coming. She was a conniving bitch.

Slowly the stinging weakened until my tears washed all the dirt away, I tried to feel my  injured foot  but  pain shot through it.  Yup it was sprained.

I don't ever want to lose my best friend (Vic Fuentes )Where stories live. Discover now