Starting the day off right.

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Mikes Pov

“Morning babe”  leaning down to kiss my girlfriend on the cheek. She moaned stirring  from her sleep.

“Morning” smiling at me sheepishly.

“Did you sleep okay?”.    she nodded

“I always sleep well when your around.  Why are you up so early?”

I sat on the side  of the bed  putting on my  socks. 

“The guys and  I decided to get up early and clean the  backyard for Nona. It was a  disaster. But come, get up beautiful”

She  laughed.

“Beautiful?  There isn’t  beautiful about me at this  hour”   she said hiding  herself under the covers.

“your always beautiful”  I started to  tickle her, causing her to spaz out. 

“Mike stop.. Ple…pleasee.. Oh my god!” she yelled as she tried to get away but  ended up just getting herself tangled in the  mess of sheets.   Finally  I stopped leaning over her. She  whipped off the sheets, meeting  me face to face.   Looking into her big eyes, I couldn’t help myself from smiling. 

She leaned up and gave me a peck.  Sending goosebumps down my body.  She did that every time. 

“I love  you Cass” my words shocked her.  Making her eyes widen as if I told her she had just won the lottery.

“I.. I love you too”   she stuttered.  Cheeks turning  red.  I had never felt this way about any  other girl.   I could never stand to be  tied down to any one, but there was something abut Cassandra that  made me never want to leave. She was everything to me, she changed me.

Hearing those words from her  made me so happy.  I wanted to jump around and tell the world.  But instead I kissed her.   I kissed her with everything I had.  Her lips fit mine so perfectly.  She ran her fingers through my hair, pulling me in closer.  I slowly  made  my way down her neck,  stopping to nibble on her collar  bone. While my hands ran down her thigh.


I stopped, coming back up to face her.  We had only  just began but we were breathing hard.

“I feel bad doing it again.”   I understood what she meant, but  I guess never thought of it that way.  This room had always been mine. 

She gave me a look .  I sighed and got up.

“Your  lucky breakfast is ready or I wouldn’t of stopped”  

Wrapping the sheets around her naked body she walked to the bathroom grabbing her clothes from the floor.

“you weren’t  going to tell me there was food?”  

“You  prefer food over sex?” 

“I prefer chocolate over sex, but im hung over so food right now kind of sounds more appealing” she stuck out her tongue before closing the door.

We all sat around the table laughing and  talking about last night. My hand rested on Cas's lap as we all devoured our  food. Nona  had made a feast consisting of  eggs, bacon, pancakes, French toast, home made has browns.  You name it.  I was on my second  plate.

“Slow down there Mikey, your almost half a plate ahead  of me”  Jaime said with his mouth food.

“Then stop talking with your mouth full and eat”   I mumbled back after shoving a pancake In my mouth

I don't ever want to lose my best friend (Vic Fuentes )Where stories live. Discover now