Expect the unexpected

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So I have a three hour break between classes , I'm so bored !! I don't even think the title relates to this but I can't think of names lol suggestions are always welcome. Also I want to hear some feedback, please don't hate too much. Lol

chapter 34

Vic Pov

I heard foot steps coming. The guys and I had gotten up here maybe 10 minutes ago, so I knew the girls would be here soon. It was a stupid bet, I don't even know why they did it. I was worried. For Tammy's sake. Its not like I didn't think she could do it, I knew she could. It was just the condition she was in and if her anger took over again, Ashely was in trouble.

"Here they come!" Tony yelled.

We all turned to see the figure running up the hill. I was nervous about who was going to pop out from the trees.

Quickly Ashley came into view. How the hell did she win?

She stood there bent over with her hands on her knees trying to catch her breath, her hair was stuck to her forehead and sweat was dripping off her face. We all stood there in shock, our jaws hanging open

Where was Tammy?

The guys were over by Ashley giving her water and a towel. Giving her a half ass'ed congratulations.

"Vic baby! I won!" she beamed walking over to me and giving me a hug.

"That's nice, congrats. But your all sweaty" I teased. Trying to cover up my concern and how I didn't feel like hugging her.

"Wheres Tam?" Danny asked concerned in his eyes.

"Oh, I passed her a long time ago." Ashley replyed as if nothing was wrong at all.

Danny nodded but Jaime and Tony exchanged glances. They knew as well as I that Ashley had no chance in this race. Something here wasn't right.

Tammy Pov

I laid in the dirt. Thinking someone would come, which turned to hoping someone would at least think to look for me. To maybe I was just stuck here forever and no one cared.

They were probably all jumping around and congratulating Ashley on this victory against the fitness geek. Ugh! who am I kidding? im nothing. There's no use of me lying here waiting for people, for Danny or Vic to even come looking for me.

Sitting up I could now see my how swollen my ankle was. I cringled.

This was going to suck.

Luckily I wasn't in some ditch but just beside the trail , I crawled my way over to a tree to use as support.

Slowly I got to a standing position, my body hurt. I even had to hold onto the tree because my head was spinning.

Maybe ill just sit here till Cas and Mike walk by. i let my exhustion take over, my eyes were heavy and my mouth was dry. it took alot of energy to keep them open so i let my eye lids close. sweat was making my shirt stick to my back and i could hear my heart pounding, it was the last thing i heard before i difted off to sleep.

"Tammy! Tam. Look at me"

Slowly my eyes opened. Everything was blurry. Where was I ? who just woke me from my sleep?

"Tammy. Stay with me. don't close you eyes!"

This was getting annoying, someone was yelling. Making it harder to sleep.

"Tammy!" someone poured cold liquid on my face.

My eyes were shot open from the sudden slap of cold. Vic ?

Vic hovered above me looking down. Concern was all over his face.

"Vic?" my voice was raspy and low. But it put a smile to his lips as he let out a breathy laugh.

"Tam, are you hurt anywhere? does anything hurt?" now scanning over my body.

"My ankle." it hurt to talk. But my ankle was all I could say.

I winced as I felt his fingers put pressure on it, checking if it was broken.

"okay listen, im going to pick you up. So it might hurt a but, but we have to get you to a hospital."

I groaned. I hated hospitals. Vic knew I hated them. Why was he bringing me there?. It was only a sprain. With out a second warning I was in his arms. He carried me bridal style out of the bush.

"Mike! Mike over here" he yelled for his brother.

Noticing that I slightly jumped from his loud voice he gave me a symptomatic smile.

"you scared the shit out of me Tammy. We've been looking for you for 2 hours now"

His voice was even as he walked us down the trail. I couldn't respond, all my strength was being used to keep my arms around his neck.

"Vic, there you are! You found her... Shit!" I could hear mike running over.

"Cas, call the others. Tell them to get the car around" not even finishing his sentence Cas was already on the phone to the others. Maybe everyone did care.

"Vic do you want me to carry her?" my eyes were closed but I knew Vic shook his head no.

I was happy he refused.

I don't ever want to lose my best friend (Vic Fuentes )Where stories live. Discover now