Nona's house

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Chapter 41

Tam Pov

"Nona!! We're here!". I called out as I stepped into the front foyer. It was just as I remembered it growing up. The dark wooden floors, the off white walls,the wooden stair case to the right as you came in. The dark oak table sat against the wall that separated to long hallways. It still had that vase i gave to my grandma with i was younger, she always had flowers from her garden in it. 

" I guess she's in the kitchen?" I mentioned to the guys behind me. We all came in, taking off our shoes and placing them neatly on the mat knowing my grandmother would lecture us about how if there was a fire we would all trip over our shoes laying about.

Walking further in to the left and down the hall leading to the kitchen, the familiar smell of home hit. The house always smelt of Italian flavours. Basil, garlic ,sweet tomatoes, home made bread. Everything she made was from scratch and from the garden outback.  

The halls held pictures on the walls of my cousins, family, Even the guys and I as kids. She loved them as they were part of our family. I smiled to myself looking a the goofy faces we made , the one of us swimming in the lake. Our massive snow forts in the cold winters.

" Remember this, Tam? The day we stole the canoe and the four of us got stuck in the middle of the lake cause the winds were too strong for us to paddle back?" Mike pointed to the picture that was was of the four of us in a canoe on the lake with out arms in the air singling for help. 

We alllaughed. 

" yeah, I have never seen Jaime panic so much in my life" Tony added. Looking back at Jaime 

" Hey! You guys were scared too" he said crossing his arms over his chest in defence. 

" No dude, you were practically in tears" Tony teased. 

I just laughed shaking my head, and carried on. That was a fun day, the guys and I decided to take the canoe one early morning to watch the storm blow in, only to get trapped on the lake due to the winds. Jaime was panicking and wouldn't sit still causing the boat to rock. Mike was arguing with him trying to make him stop but only making him more hyper. Vic was vigorously trying to paddle  even tho Tony and I had given up knowing it wasn't doing us anything.  After calling for help for about an hour we heard laughs echoing from across the lake. My grandfather was standing on the dock, having his morning smoke and coffee. He just laughed at us, for our stupidity. He had even told us a storm was blowing in last night, but the four of us were far too reckless to give up the opportunity. My grandmother came out not too long after with a camera. Both stood there laughing. While the four of us feared for our lives.  By the time the thunder started to roll in and rain started to drop on our heads. My grandfather brought out his motor boat, attaching it to our canoe and pulled us in. At shore our fear turned into laughter, we realized how dumb we were but wanted to do it again.

I walked into the living room, it was a large high ceiling that held a large hanging chandler of tree roots. The place hand the feeling of a comfy cabin but still pretty modern. The big screen tv hung on the stone wall just above the fire place. The mantel piece had more pictures, one of my grandfather and my grandmother. Ones of when they were younger, their wedding and the one before he passed away. The living room had two big white plushy couches, and one love seat. In the middle was a bear rug, made from a bear my grandpa caught while hunting. Looking up there was the balcony from the top floor. Holding the 4 bedrooms and another den area. To the far back of the living room was the back door to go out to the balcony which over looked the lake. My favorite place. To my right was another hallway, much smaller . It lead to the side door and two more rooms. The bathroom and the laundry room. Down the right hallway from the foyer was the satires for the second floor and  the living room that lead to the kitchen. 

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