Miles Away

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Chapter 36

Vic pov

We had finished up our set and walked off stage, I was slightly upset at myself about the show.  My body was exhausted,  my mind was running on over drive  and  all I wanted to do was  go see  if Tammy was okay.  The guys where  exhausted as well, no one spoke as we put our  gear away.  No one slept last night. It  tortured  all of us to leave her at the hospital. It killed me  to not even have a say in rather or not we should of  left  them. It killed me that  I couldn’t even go see her. I was split between my  girlfriend and my best friend. Ashley got sick not too long after I found Tammy.  

Coming out of the forest with Mike and Cas by my side, Jaime had the car pulled up and ready to take us to the hospital.  There wasn’t enough room for everyone to go in one car. I refused to let go of her.

“Vic  give her to me, we have to go.”  once again Mike offered to take her.  

“No I got her”  he just shook his head as we jogged closer to the car.  Danny came running over.  He was scared.  My  stomached twisted because he cared for her  so much. He really wasnt  such a  bad guy.

“Thank you for  finding  her, is she?” his voice  pleading for her to be okay.

“Shes  conscience just very weak, her  ankle is  swollen and shes dehydrated”  I reassured him, his  face loosened a bit.

“Guys we have to go, Vic  put her in the back seat.”  Mike spoke to everyone but mainly to me.  I looked around at every ones gaze, all eyes were on me. I felt like I was surrounded by wolves and they were all closing in on me. 

“Babe,  what  are you doing?  Get in the car!” Ashley came up placing her hand on my shoulder. Her  voice was pushy, it annoyed me  but   I sighed in defeat. There was no time to argue who went  in what car.  

Putting Tam in the back seat. I watched as Danny ,Cas , Mike and Jaime got in and  drive off to the hospital.  It should have been me in that car.

We arrived at the hospital but I didn’t get far, Ashely ran to the bathroom and came out telling me she had  thrown up and needed to go home.  Anger  grew up inside  but  I had no choice She was in tears and I wasnt in the mood to listen to more whining.

When the guys arrived back at the bus, I was hot  on their  trail asking about  Tam.  I knew the guys where annoyed that I wasn’t there.  Tony and  Jaime didn’t even speak to me when they first came back to get her an over night bag.  Cas was the one who told me, her and Danny were driving through the night.  I panicked, and spent the whole night awake. Danny  couldnt  spend the whole night  driving, and still make it to perform for  noon. But he  did. Though i didnt  seem  Tam the whole day.

Walking back to the bus I heard a commotion coming from inside. Seeing the door swinging open and slam shut.  Tam came out crying trying to hop/run away from the bus as fast as she could, rolling her  luggage behind her and  having her  crouches in the  other hand. She wasn’t watching where she was going and ran right into my arms. 

I could feel her  sobbing into my chest. I wanted to know what happened. To make her stop, to just stand there and  hold her. But it didn’t last long.

“Get the fuck away from me!” she  pushed on my chest,  separating us a  bit but  i was  keeping my arms locked around her.

“No, whats wrong?” i demanded.

“Vic let  go of me!”  she screamed still  trying to break free. This only made  me bring her  closer.

“Not until you tell me why your  running away?”  she  struggled for a bit more but her  tears defeated her . she cried into my chest once more. I held her as she her body shook.

“Why are you running away Tammy?”  I spoke softly. Putting my lips to the top of her head. Her hair smelled like that fruity shampoo she always loved. It was soft and shiny. Bringing back the memory of us when we were  kids and she would make me brush her hair as she  talked on and on about stuff that i didnt really care about. I felt so gay, it was something girl friends did with each other. But secretly i just liked playing with her hair.

“Vic  let me go,  please”  she  shoved me again this time  breaking loose. Her voice was harsh.

“Tammy why, why are you going?”

She looked away, so I wouldn’t see her cry.  Picking up her  bag handle, she walk away.  

“Im sorry, please don’t go” my voice came  out shaky as  I tired to hide my own tears. She was  leaving, , actually leaving this time.

She  stopped. “Thank your  girlfriend for me.” her voice was broken. i didnt have to see her face to know she was crying again.  My own eyes were swelling up with tears.

As I watched her walk a way which felt like the millionth time. 

What did Ashley do?

Storming on the bus I found it empty. She had to be here somewhere.

“Ashley!”   I called. “ Ashley  I know your in here” 

I heard a nose from the back lounge.  Opening the door I found her laying on the couch, she was in her  underwear. Always a pleasing sight but today I wasn’t having it.

“What did  you do!?” I demanded harshly.

She  looked taken back.


“To Tammy, what did  you do?”

"Nothing, I didn’t do anything”  she  looked at me with big  pleading eyes, her  voice was in question. Clearly she was trying to prove she was innocent by acting stupid.

“Well she came running out of the bus.  You’re the only one one the bus”

“She came in here and packed her bags, I begged her not to go.”

I looked at her, I wasn’t believing her at all.

“I think she was drunk again.” she said looking at  her nails as if this was boring her.

“She wasn’t.  I want to know what  happened,  now!” 

She huffed and sat up. Clearly  not happy that i wasnt even checking her  out.

“She came in and I told her not to go. But she insisted, saying you were an awful friend and stuff, I got mad at  the things she was saying  and I guess, I yelled.  Maybe I was too harsh on her?” 

I thought for a bit, not sure if I should believe this or not. I knew Tam was mad, I knew our friendship was on the rocks but I don’t ever see her talk shit.

“Im sorry Vic, I didn’t mean to make her or you upset, I just couldn’t bare to hear her talk about you like that. your such amazing guy. Your so perfect”  

Ashley was hugging me, pressing her skin to me. As she  planted  kisses on my neck It wasnt turning me on at all. 

“I.. I think I need to take a walk”  pushing her  off of me. I left to go wonder around in thought. 

I don't ever want to lose my best friend (Vic Fuentes )Where stories live. Discover now