One more time I'm on my knees and I'm trying to walk away

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Tam Pov.

Blinking my eyes I was still in shock. I was ready for the  fist to hit me. I was ready to go down.  How the hell did Cass move so fast?

Ashley was on the floor looking up at us, her eyes wide. She had  no idea what just happened either but it didn’t take long for her to collect herself and start to get back up. Cass  pushed me  behind me, blocking me with her body. Luckily enough there was a security guard passing by that saw what had happened.

“Your coming with me miss”  grabbing onto her arm.  Ashley looked frightened  but still continued to struggle.

“No, didn’t you just see?. She hit me!” 

“Miss if you don’t  come with me, I will kick you out of the venue.”

“But.. But I work here!” she squealed.

“Exactly so if you want to find your own way back home from here , please continue to be difficult” 

This time  he handcuffed both of her  wrist. Ashley was in a sob at this point and lowered her  hand as she walked with the  guard.

Cheers from  the other  people who worked the tents and  by standers surfaced the air.

Was she really gone for good now? What just happened here?

"WAY TO GO BABE!”  Cas and I both looked over to where Mikes  voice yelled from. He was  smiling wide and waving his hand around like a goof. The look on the guys faces were pure  joy. Vic how ever  looked like he was about to run over. I was relieved when someone came up and ushered them to stage. I wouldnt  know what to do if he came.

“Okay Missy, What the  hell is going on?” I had never seen Cass this way. Its like a  switch had flipped inside her. No longer this shy, tiny girl that laughed and smiled all the time. She was  now  open, vocal and kicking butt.  Cass was probably the only  person I felt like I could trust at this point. As much as I didn’t want anyone to know , I felt like she would understand.

“Ive  lost it!” yelling once again. Begining my  rant.

“I hit the breaking point. I cant deal with warped anymore.  I cant deal with boys or  fighting and all these stupid games.  I broke up with Danny cause im leaving”

“That’s the stupidest reason to leave someone Tam Or just to leave  in general.” 

“Its true!.How am I suppose to have a relationship when im going away? I already  lost my best friend”   Cass didn’t  look convinced. She knew things about me that I hide very well. I was stubborn enough to keep them locked away so  I wouldn’t have to confuses but she still would pressure on.

“Whats the reason Tam? ” 

I stopped , taking in a deep breath and letting it out.

“I don’t love him.  I can never  love him or anyone in that  matter. I have to go Cass. I cant  be here”  my voice went softer  as I finished speaking. 

She smirked at me and shook her head.

“I know, I just wanted to hear you say it. You love  Vic. Hes the only  guy you ever will.  All the guys you go out with and no matter how much you try to change the truth you just cant. Stop running away”

I looked towards stage to where the  boys were playing, letting Vic's voice sing through my body. Sending those familiar shivers down my spine.  I did love him. I loved him with every  part of me, but I would never be good enough. We were destined to be friends and only  friends, if that was still what we were.  I was afraid to hurt him or be hurt by him.

“I have to go away for awhile, Im sorry. Please just let me do this” I begged.

Cass looked at me with  sad eyes both of us were getting choked up. 

“Promise  you’ll keep in touch with me.” she pulled me into a hug. 

“I promise. Don’t tell the others Were I am.” I felt her  nod in my hair.

We let go and stood looking at each other  wiping our  eyes and  sniffling.

I gave one final nod before I left. 

“Cass”  I said.

“Yeah Tam.”

“Don’t  let  Vic follow me.”  

She stayed  silent and watched me walk away.

This was it. With my  heart pounding in my chest and a  lump in my throat I made my way to main stage. The  guys were in the middle of a song jumping around stage as they always did. Making the crowd go crazy. I couldn’t  help but smile, they were always so entertaining to watch, the  euphoric feeling they gave off.  The way they connected with the crowd. I loved them all, they all meant so much to me and I felt my heart breaking with every step closer.

I wasn’t going to leave forever but I didn’t know how long I needed.  I had to forget about him. I needed to build my walls up and forget that this summer ever happened. 

I had to forget that we  kissed and the way his lips felt pressed against mine and the  safe feeling I got when he stood by me. I had to forget the look in his brown eyes when he stood so close or the sound of his heart  when he held me tight. The way his callused fingers would trace my skin and make Goosebumps all over. He made my breath quicken and my heart  beat on over drive. I had to forget that I loved him and he had to forget he loved me.

It would be easier this way,  he would never know how I felt.  Out of sight out of mind.

I took in a deep breath and  made my way up the satires to the stage.  Sound  crew stood around and watched as they occasionally spoke into their head sets.

“Hey, could I have a  mic?” I asked one of the guys. He looked at me for a moment, obviously he had no idea who i was and wondered how i got up here. 

“Im friends with the band.” trying to convince him.

“Shes with me”  a voice spoke from behind me that made my world to crash even  further to the ground.  My heart was shattering faster then expected.

I don't ever want to lose my best friend (Vic Fuentes )Where stories live. Discover now